Apple Watch Series 7 preorders start October 8, official partner says

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.cultofmac.com/754353/apple-watch-series-7-preorders-oct-8/
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Apple Watch Series 7 preorders start October 8, official partner says

California Streaming event: Apple Watch Series 7 packs a bigger, more durable screen.Prices start at $399.
Photo: Apple

Apple Watch Series 7 will finally be available to preorder on October 8, according to one of Cupertino’s official partners. Hermès is telling customers via email that’s the date they’ll be able to secure their new smartwatches.

Jon Prosser of Front Page Tech, who has a decent track record when it comes to Apple rumors, also claims that Apple Watch Series 7 will be available to preorder “as early as next week,” with shipping to begin in mid-October.

Apple Watch 7 available October 8?

Apple’s unveiled its newest smartwatch alongside iPhone 13 and the newest iPad models on September 14. Unlike the other devices, however, Apple Watch 7 was not given a preorder or launch date. Apple simply said it’s “coming later this fall.”

It now looks like “later this fall” could be October 8, just one week from today. French luxury goods manufacturer Hermès — an official Apple Watch partner since the beginning — apparently spilled the beans.

“The Apple Watch Series 7 will be available for preorder beginning October 8, 2021,” Hermès told customers “in multiple emails,” according to AppleTrack, which says it “privately confirmed” their validity.

Prosser also published an article Thursday, citing multiple sources familiar with the matter, that said Apple Watch 7 “pre-orders could happen as early as next week, with shipping happening in mid-October.”

Steel and titanium also available

Prosser also said the stainless steel and titanium versions of Apple Watch 7 will open for preorders on the the same date. The stainless steel models will come in silver, graphite and gold. The titanium models will come in “natural” and space black. There’s no word on how much these will cost just yet.

If Apple Watch 7 will be available to preorder October 8, we should hear something from Apple early next week. The new device looks almost identical to Series 6, except with a slightly larger screen and faster charging.

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