Growing Unit4 with a customer centric ethos front and center

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.unit4.com/blog/growing-unit4-customer-centric-ethos-front-and-center
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Growing Unit4 with a customer centric ethos front and center


from  Michelle MacCarthy October 1, 2021 | 3 min read


Written in collaboration with Billy O’Riordan, Unit4's SVP Global Professional Services.

What do we mean when we say we at Unit4 are taking a more customer-centric approach to the business? This year we have put time, attention and focus around improving the overall customer experience through mapping and enhancing our customer journey. Fostering a positive experience from the time a customer signs on with us through their implementation, realization of value and ultimately renewal builds loyalty and creates customers for life. Anytime a customer-centric company makes a decision (big or small) it takes into consideration the downstream impact and effect those decisions will have on its customers.

This requires a cultural mindset shift, putting “customer,” rather than product or sales, at the center of the business. This requires all individuals within a company to understand the role they play and how it adds value to the overall customer experience – we are all working toward the same goals to ensure the experience is a good one so that we can retain and grow alongside our existing customers, and of course attract new customers to work with Unit4. 

Customer champions are built on a few key ingredients, trust, credibility, partnership and delivery of value and outcomes. We are actively seeking feedback from our customers to understand what areas of their experience we can improve. We do this in the form of continuous feedback obtained during key moments of their journey, for example, upon the close of a support case, implementation, or business review – it’s about a continuous effort to take their feedback and bring it back into the business for action. 

For example, we also ask them during focused customer satisfaction surveys how likely they are to recommend us in order to garner overall sentiment and themes and key focus areas that we can bring back into our Voice of Customer council and enact a change.  

We are excited about the close collaboration between all our teams, in particular our professional services and customer success teams as they kickoff and engage with new customers. Our new Onboarding4U provides a seamless, repeatable and programmatic approach to getting customers up and running, leveraging industry best practices and models that allow our customers to reduce time to getting the value from their investment. Our partnership to get up and running allows customers to focus their time on setting plans and programs in place that will allow them to best utilize and adopt our technology – and create value for their organizations and in turn their customers/employees. Our customer success mission is to ensure we are working closely with our customers to help them realize the value of their investments, to expand with us and to choose us to partner with again and again. 

We’re looking forward to continuing to make the way we do business easier for our customers – now and into the future. 

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