OpenMLDB Weekly Update(2021.9.12-2021.9.19)

 2 years ago
source link: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000040713415
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本周合并 Pull requests 12个,新增Pull requests 4个,关闭 Issues 6个,新增 Issues 18个。总计353个文件修改,新增36056行代码,删除879行代码。

Merged Pull Requests

feat: add integration test cicd#434
feat: add batchjob as java submodules#386
feat: add kubernetes java dependencies for taskmanager#400
fix: fix count in some yaml cases#436
feat: add a new optimization for expanding data in window skew optimization#424
feat: support insert multiple rows into a table using a single SQL insert statement#399
feat: support aggregation over the whole table#393
ci: openmldb java deploy workflow#366
test: rm DataSyncReplicaCluster test#415
feat: reconfiguration window skew optimization#414
feat: add integration test#395
feat: bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /java/openmldb-batchjob#382

Open Pull Requests

build(deps): bump snakeyaml from 1.17 to 1.26 in /test/batch-test/openmldb-batch-test#416
build(deps): bump httpclient from 4.5.2 to 4.5.13 in /test/integration-test/openmldb-test-java/openmldb-test-common#417
feat: support in predicate#423
feat: reorganize error code and use check_status and check_true#435

Close Issues

Make openmldb-batchjob and openmldb-taskmanager as submodules of openmldb-parent#385
Support submit and manage Kubernetes jobs for TaskManager#375
Bug: SQL INSERT Statement with multi rows does not work as expected#391
Support General aggegrate function over table COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM#219
feat: support integration test for java/python sdk and offline batch#316
Open Issues
Add feature extraction tools like detecting data skew#433
feat: try run benchmark on GitHub workflow, compare & upload test results#432
feat: refactor error/warning log in hybridse#430
refactor yaml sql test case#427
feat: improve cli and make the console output more clean and clear#426
RFC: Redesign some interfaces of SQLClusterRouter#425
Create memtable when creating procedure#422
Sync metadata to hive metastore when creating iceberg table#421
Load data from iceberg to memtable#420
Get index from sql&procdure#419
Create message table and sync data to nearline tablet#418
Add optimization passes for native LastJoin#413
Enable optimization fo window parallel computation by default#412
Package OpenMLDB Spark distribution for release#411
Support table aggregation functions for Batch mode#410
Support passing Spark parameters for TaskManager#409
Refine the parameters from TaskManager API to support more job status#408
Integrated TaskManager API with OpenMLDB CLI tool#407


aceforeverd ([email protected])
Chen22 ([email protected])
dl239 ([email protected])
Kanekanekane ([email protected])
Kanekanekane ([email protected])
tobe ([email protected])
Wang ZeKai ([email protected])
wuyou10206 ([email protected])




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