Google’s iOS 15 app updates bring XL YouTube Music & Photos widgets, Focus m...

 2 years ago
source link: https://toptech.news/googles-ios-15-app-updates-bring-xl-youtube-music-photos-widgets-focus-mode-support/
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Google’s iOS 15 app updates bring XL YouTube Music & Photos widgets, Focus mode support

With the launch of iOS 15 and iPad OS 15, Google announced a handful of app updates to support the latest platform features today. This includes new XL widgets, Focus mode, and Spotlight support.

On the homescreen, Google Photos and YouTube Music will be rolling out extra-large widgets. The streaming service sees album/playlist artwork appear at the left, while you get a 4×2 grid of additional suggestions on the right. Meanwhile, the Photos widget will show a wide landscape image from your library. 

Since iOS 14’s launch last fall, Google has introduced widgets for key apps–with the widgets for Photos making their way to Android in August amid a renewed focus in Android 12:

Google iOS 15 updateGoogle iOS 15 update
Google iOS 15 update

Google says its apps will be updated to “work with Focus mode,” as well as to “make notifications as relevant and timely as possible.” You’ll always get alerts for Google Maps navigation, Tasks reminders, Home doorbell notifications, and other important ones from Gmail:

But notifications that aren’t as urgent or don’t require immediate action will go right to the Notifications Center, where you can check them whenever is most convenient for you.

Lastly, Google Drive and YouTube Music results will appear in Spotlight search. Google’s iOS 15 updates are rolling out now and will be fully available in the coming weeks.

More Google for iOS:

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