SQL Troubleshooting with Multiple Number in Query

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/sql-troubleshooting-with-multiple-number-in-query.html
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SQL Troubleshooting with Multiple Number in Query


I already provide sql fiddle with schema and sample data.


If I would like to know how many province and how many cities in Thailand.

Country Name | No. Provinces | No. Cities
  Thailand   |   77          |  1234

I guess that it need to use multiple COUNT(*) but I dont know how to use it.

Anybody know please suggest solution?

You need to use GROUP BY and COUNT:

SELECT c.name, count(distinct p.id) provincecoutn, count(distinct city.id) citycount
FROM country c
  LEFT JOIN province p on c.id = p.country_id
  LEFT JOIN City on p.id = city.province_id
GROUP BY c.name

Good luck.

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