Google locks Afghan government accounts as Taliban seek emails

 2 years ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/exclusive-google-locks-afghan-government-accounts-as-taliban-seek-emails-source/
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Google locks Afghan government accounts as Taliban seek emails

  • Google has temporarily locked down an unspecified number of Afghan government email accounts, according to a person familiar with the matter, as fears grow over the digital paper trail left by former officials and their international partners.
  • One employee of the former government has told Reuters the Taliban are seeking to acquire former officials’ emails.
  • Commandeering government databases and emails could provide information about employees of the former administration, ex-ministers, government contractors, tribal allies and foreign partners.

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TikTokers Flood Texas Abortion Site With Fake Tips

  • Tips about the law’s potential offenders quickly flooded into the website, which features an online form so people can anonymously submit reports of those who are illegally obtaining or facilitating abortions.
  • Kim Schwartz, a spokeswoman for Texas Right To Life, denied the group’s website had been overwhelmed with false reports.
  • The group’s website appeared to periodically buckle on Thursday and drop under the load of reports, according to screenshots posted to Reddit and other sites.

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Byju’s losses jump 30 times; device sales boost revenue

  • Device sales fetched the highest revenues for Byju’s in 2019-20, regulatory filings showed, even as losses at the edtech giant swelled nearly 30 times.
  • The company, which recently became the most valued startup in India, witnessed around 80% growth in consolidated net sales in FY20 as compared to the previous year.
  • Sales of tablets and SD cards, usually sold to students as part of the package, accounted for 63% of the business in FY20, compared to 55% in the previous year.

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