How to access the client hostname, HTTP headers, etc. From a Java WebSocket serv...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/how-to-access-the-client-hostname-http-headers-etc-from-a-java-websocket-server.html
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How to access the client hostname, HTTP headers, etc. From a Java WebSocket server?


I've followed many tutorials and sample sample code but I am yet to see a way to access client's HTTP header, hostname etc like the way we can in Servlet's request object.

How do I go about it?

Let's say I've onOpen defined as-

    public void onOpen(Session session) {


In above method, is there a way I can access underlying HTTP connection details using session field? I am okay even if I can get to underlying Servlet (if there is any)

see chapter at Tyrus user guide. It requires some amount of work to get the info from ServerEnpointConfig.Configurator to endpoint instance, but it can be done. (see ModifyRequestResponseHeadersTest.java)

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