CEO of Signavio Discusses Business Process Intelligence and RISE with SAP: Part...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.asug.com/insights/ceo-of-signavio-discusses-business-process-intelligence-and-rise-with-sap-part-1
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CEO of Signavio Discusses Business Process Intelligence and RISE with SAP: Part 1


An important part of RISE with SAP is its business process intelligence program. Early in every customer’s RISE with SAP journey, they will have their business processes evaluated by SAP, receive personalized recommendations on how to improve them, and be given access to industry-standard benchmarking.

This specific part of RISE with SAP is fueled by Signavio, a business process management company that SAP acquired just days before it formally announced RISE with SAP. ASUG recently caught up with Gero Decker, CEO and co-founder of Signavio, to discuss how the company fits into the larger SAP ecosystem, and where it can help SAP customers as they re-evaluate their business processes.

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