decentralize.today - where to from here? our future...

 2 years ago
source link: https://decentralize.today/decentralize-today-where-to-from-here-our-future/
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where to from here? our future...

...minor course corrections for the next stage

So we are all now back from a mid-year hiatus. We needed a break and we got it, but that doesn't mean we stopped thinking about the site and decentralize.today

Just to recap (or maybe educate):

...decentralize.today is run by a dedicated group of like-minded individuals with a deep seated belief in privacy as a basic human right and in its protection. It is a passion project, a labour of love, if you will...

Basically, we have decided that we want to remain as an open access service carrying User Generated Content (UGC) but free of advertising


Whilst we have focused our content on Privacy, Decentralization, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, we recognize that within the scope of bringing an insight into a better future we are being offered content that expands into and covers that. Therefore, we will be adding the following three new categories:

Futurism - all things tech

DeFi - decentralized finance in a nutshell

Lifestyle - guides to a different (and hopefully better) time & place

Submitting articles for publication could hardly be simpler and is all detailed in this guide but the choice is yours, direct, anonymous, one-offs, series, blogs, pods...you decide...email, ghost, write & submit.as,via Medium...you decide!



We keep our costs as low as we can and give of our time freely, as do many of our contributors, however, donations & sponsorship are very welcome and full details are given on the site.


decentralize.today - our guide to a different world

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Joyk means Joy of geeK