WhatsApp is finally working on adding message reactions

 2 years ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/whatsapp-is-finally-working-on-adding-message-reactions/
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WhatsApp is finally working on adding message reactions

  • WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new messaging feature called message reactions.
  • If you react to someone’s message and they’re on an older version, they’ll receive a message telling them to update their WhatsApp app.
  • If WhatsApp does decide to implement a message reaction feature, it will most likely arrive first on WhatsApp beta.

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Bankers chase Byju’s for IPO, valuation pegged up to $50 billion

  • Most banks have given Byju’s a proposed valuation in the range of $40 billion to $45 billion, but some including Morgan Stanley have pitched a $50 billion valuation if the startup lists next year, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.
  • The startup, which has raised $1.5 billion since the beginning of the pandemic last year, was most recently valued at $16.5 billion.
  • The startup has received several inbound requests from investors to raise at a valuation of about $21.5 billion, the people said.

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Airbnb to house 20,000 Afghan refugees for free worldwide, CEO says

  • Airbnb will start housing 20,000 Afghan refugees around the world in properties listed on its platform, CEO Brian Chesky said Tuesday.
  • Starting today, Airbnb will begin housing 20,000 Afghan refugees globally for free.
  • Airbnb started its emergency Open Homes program in 2012, where hosts on the short-term rental service could open their homes for free to people in times of need.

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