How do you plan a product roadmap? #FWDRadio

 2 years ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/how-do-you-plan-a-product-roadmap-fwdradio/
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How do you plan a product roadmap? #FWDRadio

How do you plan a product roadmap? Is there a better way? Listen to this perspective from Praful Poddar on his experience workign with different teams – right from product management to engineering, marketing and leadership.

By the way, Praful Poddar is also a contributor on FWD app, that enables to learn product management skills (and more) without burning a hole in your pocket.

The ‘Moving FWD with Ashish Sinha‘ show brings you actionable wisdom from global leaders – all delivered in a bite-sized format.

Catch Moving FWD with Ashish Sinha show on your fav podcast app: Spotify | Google | Anchor ..and everywhere.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK