How to Claim Your Google Knowledge Panel

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/claim-google-knowledge-panel/
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How to Claim Your Google Knowledge Panel

By Joy Okumoko

Published 16 hours ago

If you're notable enough to have a Google Knowledge Panel, you should claim it to keep the details correct. Here's how to.

To claim your Google Knowledge Panel, you'll need to be verified on Google. This is primarily because Google wants to ascertain that you are the authentic owner or authorized representative of the entity featured in the panel.

In this article, you will learn how to get verified on Google, so you can claim your Google Knowledge Panel.

What Is a Google Knowledge Panel?

Google Knowledge Panels are a search engine results page feature. You can find one on the right-hand side of a SERP. It contains key information about the person, place, or organization highlighted.

Knowledge Panel Google

This information can include a website link, CEO, Wikipedia link, headquarters, subsidiaries, founders, social profiles, similar businesses, and so on. It's the most prominent feature on Google's search results page, and can give you optimum visibility and exposure.

Celebrities, journalists, public figures, companies, organizations, animals, and even atoms have knowledge panels–you can have one too.

To view a knowledge panel:

  1. Head to Google search.
  2. Enter a search query and hit Enter or click the search icon.
  3. Look to the right-hand side of the results page to view a knowledge panel, if one exists.

Image Gallery (4 Images)

Google Knowledge Panel Nas
Google Knowledge Panel Biden
Google Knowledge Panel Google
Google Knowledge Panel Atom

Note that the knowledge panel for Atom does not feature a Claim this knowledge panel option, and is therefore not claimable.

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How to Get Verified on Google and Claim Your Knowledge Panel

Once verified, a box will appear at the top of your knowledge panel, allowing you to suggest factual edits to the panel. Verification also allows you to participate in Posts on Google, where your posts will immediately appear in your search result.

Here's how to get verified on Google so that you can claim your knowledge panel.

  1. Go to Google Search. Search for yourself or the entity you represent, and locate its knowledge panel on the right-hand side of the results page. If you don't have a Knowledge Panel, there is currently no way to create one.
  2. At the bottom, click on Claim this knowledge panel.

    Claim this knowledge panel
  3. Carefully review the information displayed on the page.
  4. You'll need to sign in to any YouTube, Search Console, Twitter, or Facebook accounts in order to link them.

If, Google fails to identify any sites associated with the entity, you'll need to provide additional verification proof as an official representative. You will be requested to provide screenshots of you signed in to your brand accounts, a photo of you holding your ID card, and your phone number.

Once claimed, you can now manage the entity's knowledge panel. This gives you the power to influence and shape the narrative for you, your brand, or the entity you represent.

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How to Add Additional Users as Authorized Representatives

Here's how to add additional users as authorized representatives just like you.

  1. Go to the Manage users page and switch to the Google account that you used to claim the knowledge panel.

    Get verified Manage users
  2. Find Add people to this account and click Start now.
  3. Click on Add new user.
  4. Enter the new user's email address for their Google account.
  5. Move the toggle to the right to set permission level as Manager, Owner, or Contributor.

Take Control of Your Knowledge Panel

Knowledge panels are automatically generated and populated with information from content that already exists across the web. By streamlining all your online data, you make it easier for Google to verify your identity and hand you access to your Knowledge Panel.

Accessing and managing your Knowledge Panel is the best course of action, allowing you to make sure only accurate and up-to-date information is included.

About The Author


Joy Okumoko (33 Articles Published)

Joy is an Internet and Tech buff who loves the internet and everything technology. When not writing about the Internet or Tech, she's busy knitting and making sundry handcrafts, or watching NollyWood.

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