What Is Google Workspace and How Do You Use It?

 2 years ago
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What Is Google Workspace and How Do You Use It?

By Jowi Morales

Published 16 hours ago

Google Workspace is essentially G Suite 2.0. It is an all-in-one collaboration, communication, and productivity tool.

Since Google launched Workspace for all Gmail users, a lot of valuable tools are now available for free.

But what exactly are these tools? Are there any uses for them? Here's everything you need to know about Google Workspace.

It All Begins With Gmail

If you pay attention to Google's email service loading screen, you'll notice a slight change. Instead of loading Gmail, the splash screen now says Google Workspace.

This is the direction Google is taking in its services. Rather than launching separate apps such as Docs, Calendar, and Drive in a new window, you can now access them all within Gmail.

You no longer have to open new tabs to find what you need, reducing distractions. So, you can concentrate on the task you have at hand, as you won't need to hunt for apps.

Collaboration in One Screen

Google is expanding Gmail from an email client to a complete collaboration solution. If you're using the new Google Chat interface, you'll see four new icons on the left side of your email view.

Aside from the usual Mail, you'll find Chat, Spaces, and Meet in there too. Getting in touch with people no longer requires opening dedicated apps. You can send quick messages over Chat, conduct video conferences over Meet, and set up collaboration spaces.

Google Chat

Google Chat in Gmail on iPad

If you activate Google Chat in Gmail, you'll have both Chat and Rooms available for you. Aside from the usual File Sharing, Google Chat integrates their other services too.

Right from the chatbox, you can share a file from your Google Drive, create a video meeting on Google Meet, and even set an appointment via Google Calendar.

Aside from talking to individuals, you can also create groups here. This makes it perfect for coordinating teams and general group conversations.

Google Spaces (Formerly Google Rooms)

Google Rooms Sample

This feature helps you create organized spaces for different projects. Each section you create has its own Chat, Files, and Tasks section. This ensures that everything you and your team will need is at their disposal.

The Chat tab ensures that all conversations related to your Space stay in one place. It has all the features of Google Chat. You can share files easily, set up a video conference, or even schedule a meeting directly from the tool.

If you need to share files with your team, the Files tab will let you do that with ease. You can upload files from your computer or share documents from your Google Drive.

Furthermore, each file will keep its permissions. When you share a document, you choose whether you want your team to view, comment, or edit permissions.

You will also appreciate that Google Workspace now opens Google Doc documents natively within the app. So, it doesn't require you to open a separate tab or window to view, comment, and edit documents.

Google Tasks in Spaces

Finally, assigning tasks are now done directly under the Tasks section. Here, you can create an assignment, include all the details, set a due date, and attach it to a specific person. This automatically sends the task to the assignee's own Google Tasks app.

You can now create and designate many assignments in an instant. There's no more need to send lengthy emails just to get things done.

Google Meet

Google Workspace now includes a shortcut for creating and joining meetings. You'll see the meeting room link when you click New meeting. You can also send invites via email or by copying and sending them individually.

Start now will open a new browser window where you can conduct your meeting. So, you won't have to download or install any separate apps.

You can also join a meeting directly from Google Workspace. Choose Join a meeting, enter the meeting room code, and you're in.

Google Apps and More

Google Keep, Gmail, and Calendar

Even if you're working on your own, you will appreciate Google Workspace. Its integration with Google Calendar, Keep, Tasks, and Contacts helps you organize. You can check your schedule, create notes, see your to-dos, and even find people at your Workspace.

Google Calendar

View and manage your day's schedule right here. You can even create new events straight from your screen. Adjusting your schedule is even more convenient.

Move your meetings around via drag-and-drop. You can also change their length by grabbing the bottom of the time block and resizing it.

Google Keep

Taking notes from your email is also much easier with Google Keep. When you click on its icon, you will see your most recent notes and a Take a note... option.

When you create a note, it is automatically linked to an email you have open. Even after you save the note, you can still see its source email. By clicking on the source, it will take you to that email instead of having to search your inbox.

Google Tasks

All the tasks you need doing, including those assigned to you in Google Spaces, will come up here. To help keep you organized, you can create lists to separate tasks into their sections.

If you add due dates to your tasks, they will appear in your calendar as well. This ensures you won't miss a thing.

Google Tasks tool

Google Contacts

If you have an Android smartphone, you can view all your contacts here. Easily search for people and reach out to them directly from this view.

With a single click, you can send an email, chat, set a Google Calendar appointment, or even invite them to a video call. Through the Recent interactions view, you can also see your latest emails to them.

Other Apps

Google also allows you to integrate other apps via the Google Workspace marketplace. Many popular apps like Asana, Box, Slack, Trello, and Zoom are available here.

Whatever message you have open in your email references in the apps you open. This lets you link emails so the people you're working with will know the context of your message.

This is perfect if a client sends an email and you need to pass it on to your team. No need to forward messages manually—just add them to your team collaboration app with one click.

Remote workspace integration

A New Age of Integrations

The Google Workspace is a powerful suite that lets you have productivity apps at your fingertips. You can get everything done without even leaving Gmail.

All these features will let you focus and avoid distractions when working. You can save time and get more done—all for free!

About The Author


Jowi Morales (30 Articles Published)

Jowi is a writer, a career coach, and a pilot. He developed a love for anything PC ever since his father bought a desktop computer when he was 5 years old. From then on, he has been using and maximizing technology in every aspect of his life.

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