Epomaker's NT68 is an alternative to your MacBook's crummy keyboard | TechSpot

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.techspot.com/news/90448-epomaker-nt68-alternative-macbook-crummy-keyboard.html
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Epomaker's NT68 is an alternative to your MacBook's crummy keyboard

A compact, portable mechanical keyboard for Windows, Mac and mobile devices

By Shawn Knight July 16, 2021, 11:21 AM

In brief: Are you fed up with your MacBook’s scissor or butterfly keyboard, but can’t quite bring yourself to actually part ways with the machine? If so, a new wireless keyboard from Epomaker might be worth a look.

The Epomaker NT68 is billed as the world’s first portable 65 percent wireless mechanical keyboard with an invisible stand. Notably, the “invisible” stand can also fold away completely and you can apparently even lay the NT68 over your MacBook’s keyboard and use it as a “true” replacement.


Epomaker’s latest is being offered with a variety of mechanical switches from Gateron (blue, brown, black, red) as well as the team’s own chocolate switches (blue, red, silver brown, rose brown). The built-in 1900mAh battery is good for two to five weeks of runtime depending on usage. With the RGB lights on, battery life drops drastically to just 20-80 hours. A full recharge over USB takes 8-10 hours, we’re told.

The board can either be hardwired over USB or connected wirelessly using Bluetooth 5.1.


Worth adding is the fact that the NT68 can also be used with Windows machines, and even Android and iOS devices. Buyers will also receive a proprietary slim magnetic case for easy transfer.

Interested parties can sign up to be notified when the Epomaker NT68 is available to purchase. No word yet on how much cheddar you’ll have to part with.

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