This Week in JBoss - 14 July 2021

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.jboss.org/posts/weekly-2021-07-14.html
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This Week in JBoss - 14 July 2021

Welcome to this edition of the JBoss Editorial bringing you news and updates from the community.

From the community

In this post the Narayana team begins a new blog series on Long Running Actions, a compensation-based approach to transactions.

The KIE Tooling team announce the new DMN Runner on dmn/new.

Gabriele Cardosi provides a concrete example of a recommendation engine based on top of PMML in Shopping recommendations in PMML.

Luca Molteni teaches us How to start contributing to Drools Executable Model

Eric Schabell continues his blog series on Cloud Adoption with a an Example adoption architecture.

Read this post by Jeff Mesnil to learn how to Run WildFly Preview of Jakarta EE 9.1 with Bootable Jar.


Paul Robinson

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Joyk means Joy of geeK