Quarkus Newsletter #10

 2 years ago
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July 16, 2021 #newsletter

Quarkus Newsletter #10


By James Cobb

Ok…​ it’s been a while since our last newsletter but we’ve been busy working on a new format. We’re moved to an email subscription model starting with Issue #10. Our goal is to allow folks to sign up and get the cream of the crop articles delivered to their inbox once a month.

Check out Newsletter #10!

Want to get newsletters in your inbox? Sign up for the newsletter using the on page form.

We’ve also included the list of the newest found online stories. Give it a read and if you feel something is missing or have an article coming out for future Quarkus Newsletter install the bookmarklet on your laptop and phone to easily submit a story. If you prefer the manual way please open an issue with a short description and a url.

Article & Blogs

  1. Understand platform security, and implement authorization and authentication with Keycloak and Quarkus

    Workshop: Secure your Java microservices application – IBM Developer

    from IBM

    by Niklas Heidloff posted 26. January 2021

  2. I've been working on a tool called JReleaser for sometime now. JReleaser shortens the distance between your binaries and potential consumers by packaging and publishing said binaries using formats and tools that consumers enjoy

    Crafting rolling releases for a Quarkus CLI application – Andres Almiray

    by aalmiray posted 14. July 2021

  3. In this article, I’ll cover a few of the new features in Quarkus 2.0 and share what we at Red Hat are doing to provide commercial support for this new release later this year.

    RESTEasy Reactive and more in Quarkus 2.0 | Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by James Falkner posted 1. July 2021

  4. We just released Quarkus 2.0.1.Final, our first maintenance release on top of 2.0.

    Quarkus - Quarkus 2.0.1.Final released - Maintenance release

    from Red Hat

    by Guillaume Smet posted 7. July 2021

  5. CloudEvents provides a common format to describe events and increase interoperability.

    Bind a cloud event to Knative - DZone Java

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 6. July 2021

  6. In this article we will learn to establish a Java DataBase Connectivity ( JDBC ) connection through a datasource accessible through the Agroal library that allows you to define a connection pooling.

    Accessing Data in Quarkus: JDBC | Development, Java | HTML.it

    by Alessandro Zoia posted 2. July 2021

  7. In this article, I’ll cover a few of the new features in Quarkus 2.0 and share what we at Red Hat are doing to provide commercial support for this new release later this year.

    RESTEasy Reactive and more in Quarkus 2.0 | Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by James Falkner posted 1. July 2021

  8. The new version 2.0 of the Kubernetes-native Java framework Quarkus promises higher efficiency and productivity for developers.

    Kubernetes: Version 2.0 of Quarkus presented | heise online

    from Heise Online

    by Robert Lippert posted 1. July 2021

  9. In this post, we will explore how to protect RESTful APIs with Quarkus OIDC and Auth0.

    Secures RESTful APIs with Quarkus OIDC and Auth0 | by Hantsy | Jun, 2021 | ITNEXT

    by Hantsy posted 9. June 2021

  10. Covers the new Quarkus framework and the popular Kubernetes container

    Pro Java Microservices with Quarkus and Kubernetes - A Hands-on Guide | Nebrass Lamouchi | Apress

    by Nebrass Lamouchi posted 28. June 2021

  11. I’ll be holding two full-day online workshops on how to do modern, effective development with Quarkus, at the end of July.

    New Quarkus workshops in July 2021 - Sebastian Daschner

    by Sebastian Daschner posted 28. June 2021

  12. Quarkus comes with a toolchain enabling developers rapid start their development with its extensions to all major IDEs.

    Speed up development and save time with Live Reload and Testing in Quarkus 2.0 | by David Dahlin | Geek Culture | Jun, 2021 | Medium

    by David Dahlin posted 28. June 2021

  13. This post gives some feedback on a particular challenge I have been facing in a professional context with respect to deploying applications on Kubernetes, and how we were able to provide a solution that met our goals using Quarkus.

    Quarkus - How Quarkus has been used to deploy applications on OpenShift

    by Vincent Sevel posted 25. June 2021

  14. Dave Rubenstein interviews Rich Sharples to discuss the upcoming Quarkus 2.0 release

    How Quarkus helps developers in a cloud-native world - Episode 108

    from SD Times

    by Dave Rubenstein posted 22. June 2021

  15. Quarkus is the backbone of a new and innovative tax solution developed by Abraxas Informatik AG that is targeted to Swiss government tax agencies

    Quarkus - Abraxas Uses Quarkus For Cutting Edge Tax App

    from Red Hat

    by Jeff Beck posted 22. June 2021

  16. Developers also have access to additional features that enable them to set business rules and more effectively create decision microservices on Quarkus

    Red Hat Rewrites the Business Automation Playbook with End-to-End Kubernetes-Native Decision Management Capabilities | Business Wire

    from Businesswire

    by Unknown posted 21. June 2021

  17. In this video, I’m showing how to add the Quarkus Maven plugin to non-Quarkus projects

    Using the Quarkus dev mode for non-Quarkus projects (Video) - Sebastian Daschner

    by Sebastian Daschner posted 18. June 2021

  18. Compares the startup time of natively compiled Quarkus, Micronaut, and Spring.

    Build Native Java Apps with Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot | Okta Developer

    from Okta

    by Matt Raible posted 18. June 2021

  19. This post compares how well three different Java frameworks – specifically Spring Boot, the community build of Quarkus on JVM, and the community build of Quarkus as a native Linux executable – optimized Java for Red Hat OpenShift.

    Bankdata shares its results of using Quarkus on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

    from Red Hat

    by Rahbeek, Nielsen, Christensen, Sorensen posted 18. June 2021

  20. you will learn how to use Quarkus with Camel to create applications that send messages to Kafka and receive CloudEvent from Knative Eventing.

    Knative Eventing with Quarkus, Kafka and Camel - Piotr's TechBlog

    by Piotr Minkowski posted 14. June 2021

  21. Implement a filter in an application to get rid of these logs as early as possible and log errors, only.

    Quarkus on OpenShift: Getting rid of succesful liveness and readyness logs - Enterprise Java Blog

    by Bennet Schulz posted 14. June 2021

  22. The purpose of this blog post is to demonstrate how to quickly write and deploy a simple Kubernetes operator using Java, and provide an example of tasks that can be performed using an operator in the context of the deployment of a service built with Quarkus.

    Kubernetes Operator with Java and Quarkus

    from Lunatech

    by Ihor Mutel posted 11. June 2021

  23. The goal of the Drogue IoT project is to make it easy to connect devices and cloud-based applications with each other

    Connect Quarkus applications with Drogue IoT and LoRaWAN | Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by Jens Reimann posted 10. June 2021

  24. Building GraphQL APIs with Quarkus

    Building GraphQL APIs with Quarkus | by Hantsy | Jun, 2021 | ITNEXT

    by Hantsy posted 1. June 2021

  25. How develop a Quarkus application to easily access a relational database (using Hibernate ORM with Panache) and display its content in HTML with Qute templates.

    A Qute Way to Visualise Data with Panache

    by Antonio Goncalves posted 7. June 2021

  26. How to Work with Databases in Quarkus

    Data is the New Gold - How to Work with Databases in Quarkus – Open Sourcerers

    by Daniel Brintzinger posted 6. June 2021

  27. What happens when you don’t want to pay for, or use, a SaaS app? Well, you write your own, of course.

    Building a contact form API with Apache Camel and Quarkus | Tom Donohue

    by Tom Donohue posted 3. June 2021

  28. I have a product-catalog application that I have been using as a demo for awhile now, it’s essentially a three tier application as per the topology view below with the front-end (client) using React, the back-end (server) written in Quarkus and a Maria database.

    Discovering OpenShift Resources in Quarkus | GExperts Inc

    by Gerald Nunn posted 2. June 2021

  29. We just released our second Alpha for Quarkus 2.0.

    Quarkus 2.0.0.Alpha2 released - Continuous Testing improvements

    from Red Hat

    by Guillaume Smet posted 6. May 2021

  30. Why I use Quarkus rather than Spring-Boot for my CNA apps

    from sokube.ch

    by Pascal Libenzi posted 8. April 2021

  31. The Quarkus framework is considered the rising star for Kubernetes-native Java.

    How to create your first Quarkus application | Opensource.com

    from Red Hat

    by Saumya Singh posted 28. April 2021

  32. In addition to the DevServices, which provide preconfigured containers in development mode, the framework provides a connection to OpenTelemetry.

    Java-Framework: Quarkus 1.13 liefert Entwicklungs-Container von der Stange | heise online

    by Rainald Menge-Sonnentag posted 5. April 2021

  33. As we round out the first quarter of 2021, we wanted to share the latest updates to the Red Hat Runtimes portfolio.

    What’s new with Quarkus? And other updates in Red Hat Runtimes

    from Red Hat

    by James Falkner posted 5. April 2021

  34. The main purpose of this tutorial is to create and deploy step by step a simple application with Quarkus using GitLab-CI Pipeline and Heroku fully managed data services.

    Deploy Quarkus Application with GitLab-CI to Heroku PaaS | by Elie Nehmé | Apr, 2021 | Medium

    by Elie Nehmé posted 4. April 2021

  35. Quarkus is a full-stack, Kubernetes-native Java framework from Redhat with container-first strategy in mind.

    Serious Java Programmer on cloud-native stack? Quarkus is here to help! | by Ram Ravishankar | Apr, 2021 | Medium

    from IBM

    by Ram Ravishankar posted 3. April 2021

  36. In this article, you will learn how to run eventing applications on Knative using Kafka and Quarkus.

    Knative Eventing with Kafka and Quarkus - Piotr's TechBlog

    by Piotr Minkowski posted 31. March 2021

  37. This post is to show how I created a Quarkus Qute demo with a Raspberry PI. This is another blog about Java on Raspberry PI.

    Quarkus Qute with Raspberry PI | Igfasouza.com

    by Igor De Souza posted 21. March 2021

  38. Using Quarkus remove dev mode to develop a Kubernetes Operator

    Accelerate your business: Kubernetes Operator with Automatiko

    by Maciej Swiderski posted 17. March 2021

  39. In this screencast I'm starting with MicroProfile metrics registry and then migrating to micrometer.io MeterRegistry

    Quarkus, MicroProfile Metrics and micrometer.io : Adam Bien's Weblog

    by Adam Bien posted 17. March 2021

  40. Quarkus and Jakarta EE are gaining on Spring/Spring Boot as the most popular approach to moving Java applications to the cloud.

    What enterprise architects need to know about Java modernization - TechRepublic

    by Veronica Combs posted 12. March 2021

  41. Quarkus elevator pitch, developer joy, and imperative vs reactive

    Quarkus deconstructed: building modernized Java for the future - JAXenter

    from Red Hat

    by Mark Little posted 11. March 2021

  42. 2 Hour Learning Quarus course

    Learning Quarkus

    from LinkedIn Learning

    by Unknown posted 10. March 2021

  43. [French] Quarkus + JHipster

    CodeursEnSeine - Twitch

    by Anthony Viard aand Daniel Petisme posted 9. March 2021

  44. Quarkus + JHipster = Fast Java Made Easy

    Fast Java Made Easy with Quarkus and JHipster | Okta Developer

    by Daniel Petisme posted 8. March 2021

  45. Quarkus World Tour, and schedules for local JUGS

    Join the Quarkus World Tour and Containerize Your Java Apps

    from Red Hat

    by Alex Handy posted 8. March 2021

  46. In this article, we will learn how to write clean integration tests for Quarkus applications.

    Testing Quarkus Web Applications: Writing Clean Component Tests

    from Red Hat

    by Alex Soto posted 2. March 2021

  47. In this medium, we will be talking about fully dockerizing Quarkus.

    Dockerizing Quarkus. In this medium, we will be talking… | by Mohamad Yassine | Feb, 2021 | Medium

    by Mohamad Yassine posted 24. February 2021

  48. [German] When packing jars, Quarkus now uses the Fast jar format and the RESTEasy-Reactive integration offers support for Multipart after the update.

    Java-Framework Quarkus 1.12 erhebt Fast jar zum Standard | heise online

    by Matthias Parbel posted 24. February 2021

  49. Blog announcing the release of Quarkus 1.12.0.Final.

    Quarkus 1.12 released - Fast jar as default, Multipart support for RESTEasy Reactive

    from Red Hat

    by Guillaume Smet posted 23. February 2021

  50. This Quarkus JUnit5 Mockk extension allows you to easily inject mockk mocks.

    quarkiverse/quarkus-mockk: Mockk Quarkus Extension

    by Guillaume Le Floch posted 22. February 2021

  51. Dunith writes on how to build a real time dashboard with Quarkus

    Building a Real-time Sales Dashboard with WebSockets and Quarkus

    by Dunith Dhanushka posted 21. February 2021

  52. Showcase how to implement reactive endpoints with Java, Quarkus, and Eclipse MicroProfile and deploy an end-to-end sample application to Red Hat OpenShift.

    Reactive Endpoints with Quarkus on Red Hat OpenShift - Crowdcast

    by Crowdcast, Inc. posted 18. February 2021

  53. In this post, I’d like to present and walk through a complete example of a secured Quarkus app, using Keycloak, JUnit and Wiremock.

    Coming Up for Air: Securing and Testing Quarkus Applications using Keycloak and Wiremock

    from Red Hat

    by Jason Lee posted 17. February 2021

  54. Deploy Quarkus applications to Kubernetes with JKube

    Deploying a Quarkus application into Kubernetes using JKube - Cloud Tool Time (Marc Nuri) – Crowdcast

    by Crowdcast, Inc. posted 16. February 2021

  55. In this article, you’ll see how using Quarkus remote development enhances the development loop on Kubernetes.

    Enhancing the development loop with Quarkus remote development - DZone Java

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 15. February 2021

  56. What we want to show you here is how to run Quarkus in standard JVM mode, so there are no compromises.

    Explore lean serverless Java with Quarkus command mode – IBM Developer

    from IBM

    by Pratik Patel posted 15. February 2021

  57. This article gives you an overview of Quarkus and will help you better understand the problems which Quarkus solve and the reason it’s gaining popularity among the organisations today.

    Quarkus — The next wave of kubernetes native Java framework | by Mohit Aggarwal | Feb, 2021 | Medium

    by Mohit Aggarwal posted 13. February 2021

  58. Writing tests in Quarkus isn’t particularly challenging. The framework provides enough tooling to create stubs and easily create mocks

    Testing Quarkus Web Applications: Component & Integration Tests

    from Red Hat

    by Alex Soto posted 12. February 2021

  59. Quarkus and Micrometer Metrics

    How to Use Quarkus With Micrometer Metrics to Monitor Microservice Pipeline | LogicMonitor

    from Logic Monitor

    by Unknown posted 11. February 2021

  60. Documentation on how to deploy to platform.sh.

    Quarkus · Platform.sh Documentation

    from platform.sh

    by platform.sh posted 10. February 2021

  61. Quarkus 1.11.1 released. The most interesting from the programmer's point of view is RESTEasy Reactive.

    JVM Tuesday vol. 23

    by Artur Skowronski posted 2. February 2021

  62. So why did I start to reinvestigate Jakarta EE? The reason is Quarkus.

    Using Quarkus as an Alternative for Spring Boot | Mitrais Blog

    from Mitrais

    by Unknown posted 2. February 2021

  63. In this article, I’ll walk you through two steps to write a serverless function with super fast boot and response times and built-in resource optimization.

    Write a Quarkus Function in Two Steps on Red Hat OpenShift Serverless - DZone Java

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 1. February 2021

  64. Using GraalVM native-image-agent when porting a library to Quarkus

    Using GraalVM native-image-agent when porting a library to Quarkus - Peter Palaga

    by Your name goes here posted 31. January 2021

  65. In this article I want to extend a previous application exploring other useful Quarkus extensions.

    From Microservices to Kubernetes with Quarkus (2/2) - Monitoring - Raffaele Marcello personal github web site

    by Raffaele Marcello posted 31. January 2021

  66. This blog post shares SPOUD’s story of engineering a simple application with Apache Kafka®, ksqlDB, and Red Hat’s Quarkus. Spoiler alert: It was a blast!

    Using Kafka, ksqlDB, and Quarkus for Real-Time Sports Tracking

    by Gaetan Collaud posted 29. January 2021

  67. In this article, I’ll walk you through two steps to write a serverless function with superfast boot and response times and built-in resource optimization.

    Write a Quarkus function in two steps on Red Hat OpenShift Serverless - Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 29. January 2021

  68. Keycloak community is proud to announce that Keycloak is now running on top of Quarkus

    Keycloak.X Distribution - JANUA

    by Unknown posted 28. January 2021

  69. In this blog, I will explain briefly “How you can get started with Quarkus?”, “What skills you need for contributing to Supersonic Subatomic Java- Quarkus?”

    How can you start contributing to Quarkus (an awesome release by Red Hat) ? | by Saumya Singh | Jan, 2021 | Medium

    by Saumya Singh posted 28. January 2021

  70. Victor shows how to go from bad approach to validation to use Bean Validation on Quarkus to get powerful and reusable validations.

    Quarkus Tutorial: Using Bean Validation on Quarkus.io

    by Victor Osorio posted 25. January 2021

  71. Quarkus is the perfect choice from a simple social media app to a sophisticated banking system.

    Supersonic Subatomic Java - Everything You’ve Wanted to Know about Quarkus | LITSLINK Blog

    by Anastasia Rashevskaya posted 22. January 2021

  72. Michał compares Micronaut and Quarkus on what technologies they support. Looking forward to his part 2.

    QuarkusMicronaut vs Quarkus — what’s the difference?

    from Software Mill

    by Michał Chmielarz posted 22. January 2021

  73. Discusses the top new features in Quarkus 1.11

    Java-Framework Quarkus 1.11 f"uhrt RESTEasy Reactive und neues Dev UI ein


    by Matthias Parbel posted 21. January 2021

  74. Sebastian walks through how to develop a kubectl plugins with Quarkus, picocli and jbang.

    Building kubectl plugins with Quarkus

    from Red Hat

    by Sebastien Blanc posted 21. January 2021


    Moser Consulting

    from Moser Consulting

    by posted 20. January 2021

  76. Quarkus 1.11 Release blog on new features

    Quarkus 1.11 released - RESTEasy Reactive, Dev UI, and more!

    from Red Hat

    by Guillaume Smet posted 20. January 2021

  77. Jeff walks through his top 10 reasons why using Quarkus on OpenShift is a win.

    10 reasons to develop Quarkus applications on Red Hat OpenShift

    from Red Hat

    by Jeff Beck posted 15. January 2021

  78. Build microservices to help Santa schedule his deliveries using Quarkus and MicroProfile.

    Merry Chistmas and Happy Fallback with Microprofile

    by Antonio Goncalves posted 12. January 2021

  79. Discussion of using Quarkus test resources for integrating Linux containers into your integration tests

    Quarkus and Testcontainers

    from Red Hat

    by Gunnar Morling posted 28. November 2020

  80. Accelerating Monolith to Microservices transformation with Quarkus, CRW, Tekton & ArgoCD on SRO (Stakater Red Hat OpenShift)

    Enento Monolith to Microservices with Quarkus, CRW, Tekton & ArgoCD on SRO

    from Enento, Stakater

    by Rasheed Amir, Eero Arvonen, Tero Ahonen posted 25. November 2020

  81. Quarkus Gives Spring Boot Users a Path to Serverless and Live Coding

    Quarkus Gives Spring Boot Users a Path to Serverless and Live Coding

    from Red Hat

    by Alex Handy posted 17. November 2020

  82. Article about the experience with Quarkus in native image mode. In Spanish

    Java is back


    by Bastian Bastias Sanchez posted 28. October 2020

  83. Carrefore shares their Quarkus performance results compared to Spring Boot

    Efficient Java in the cloud with Quarkus - Horizons by Carrefour

    from Carrefour

    by Unknown posted 28. October 2020

  84. Though Quarkus offers extensions for MicroProfile, including metrics, we’re now recommending the use of the Micrometer extension for metrics in Quarkus with the release of 1.9.

    Micrometer is recommended for metrics with Quarkus 1.9

    from Red Hat

    by Ken Finnigan posted 19. October 2020

  85. But, how do you test Quarkus applications and services? In this talk, we show how you how. We’ll look at how to test basic components, mocks, stubs, or (secured) RESTful web APIs.

    Quarked testing: Writing tests for Quarkus - Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by Alex Soto Bueno, Burr Sutter posted 12. October 2020

  86. Red Hat is making a version of its Quarkus runtime for deploying Java applications on Kubernetes that doesn’t require a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) available as part of its Red Hat Runtimes subscription service.

    Red Hat Adds Cloud-Native Quarkus Runtime for Java Applications - Container Journal

    from Container Journal

    by Mike Vizard posted 2. October 2020

  87. In this article, you can read more about the Quarkus code guide I tried out, related to the following topic: The ability to automatically generate Kubernetes resources by Quarkus

    Quarkus - Supersonic Subatomic Java, trying out Quarkus guide “Quarkus - Kubernetes extension” (part 1) - AMIS, Data Driven Blog

    from Amis Technologies

    by Marc Lameriks posted 27. September 2020

  88. Dan Newton walks through his experience with Quarkus

    Building a REST API with Quarkus | Lanky Dan Blog

    by Dan Newton posted 21. September 2020

  89. In this article, you will learn how to integrate your Quarkus application with the OAuth2 authorization server like Keycloak.

    Quarkus OAuth2 and security with Keycloak - Piotr's TechBlog

    by Piotr Minkowski posted 16. September 2020

  90. In this post, I'm going to cover my experience migrating thee Spring Boot PetClinic REST application to Quarkus.

    Migrating SpringBoot PetClinic REST to Quarkus - DZone Java

    from Red Hat

    by Jonathan Vila posted 16. September 2020

  91. Java has a long history with banks and financial institutions, but what about its future? Does Java have a place in a containerized, cloud-native future? Lean argue yes, especially with Quarkus a full-stack, Kubernetes-native Java framework.

    25 years and going strong: Why Java matters to the future of banks

    by Leon Matthews posted 14. September 2020

  92. Mark looks into if Quarkus will be compatible with Jakarta EE?

    Quarkus and Jakarta EE: Together, or not? - Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by Mark Little posted 11. September 2020

  93. In this article, you can read more about other Quarkus code guides I tried out configuration and creating a native executable.

    Trying out some Quarkus code guides (part1)

    from AMIS

    by Marc Lameriks posted 1. September 2020

  94. A short blog post about the Camel Quarkus 1.0.0 release

    Camel Quarkus 1.0.0 Released

    from Red Hat

    by James Netherton posted 12. August 2020

  95. History of using/porting Camel with Quarkus

    History of Camel Quarkus from the very beginning to 1.0.0

    from Red Hat

    by Peter Palaga posted 10. August 2020

  96. How LogicMonitor uses Quarkus with Kafka in its multi-tenant SaaS architecture

    How We Use Quarkus With Kafka in Our Multi-Tenant SaaS Architecture | LogicMonitor

    from LogicMonitor

    by LogicMonitor posted 10. August 2020

  97. Deploying Quarkus to Kubernetes

    Guide to Quarkus on Kubernetes

    by Piotr Minkowski posted 10. August 2020

  98. Introducton to Reactive Quarkus and Mutiny

    Reactive Quarkus: A Java Mutiny - Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by Clement Escoffier andd Edson Yanaga posted 7. August 2020

  99. How to generate a JAX-RS application in Quarkus using Panache

    from Red Hat

    by Francesco Marchioni posted 7. August 2020

  100. This is the third part in a series on building a microservice from the ground up with Quarkus, Kotlin and Debezium. The service is for sending SMS messages.

    Building a Resilient Microservice with Quarkus and Wiremock | by Iain Porter | Aug, 2020 | Level Up Coding

    by Iain Porter posted 3. August 2020

  101. Dmytro explain how to call C language from Java and Quarkus

    Integrate Quarkus with C language without an issue

    by Dmytro Chaban posted 2. August 2020

  102. Marc show how to create a simple web scraper using Picocli and Quarkus to build a native binary that will scrape dependents for any GitHub project.

    Building a GitHub Dependents Scraper with Quarkus and Picocli - Marc Nuri

    from Red Hat

    by Marc Nuri posted 31. July 2020

  103. In this part we’ll use the transactional outbox pattern to generate events when the messages are persisted. We can then process the messages asynchronously and, ultimately, get the SMS message to the end user’s mobile device.

    Implementing the Transactional Outbox pattern with Debezium in Quarkus

    by Iain Porter posted 29. July 2020

  104. Securing Vue.js Applications with Keycloak

    Securing Vue.js Applications with Keycloak

    from IBM

    by Niklas Heidloff posted 23. July 2020

  105. The common way to integrate with your process engine is through the use of the Kie Server REST API. In this article we'll explore how to use it and provide an example of integration with a Quarkus application.

    Advanced Process Integration Tips - Quarkus Applications - DZone Integration

    from Red Hat

    by Karina Varela posted 21. July 2020

  106. Natively compiling a real world application with Quarkus.

    Real world Quarkus with native-image

    from Hotovo

    by Michal Kascak posted 16. July 2020

  107. Syed discusses the business value of Quarkus

    Why Java and Quarkus are important for your business

    from Red Hat

    by Syed Rasheed posted 13. July 2020

  108. Logic Monitor scaled down 200 cpu cores and ~500GB of memory by switching their POC to @QuarkusIO Saving 85% of CPU and 88% of memory

    Quarkus vs. Spring | LogicMonitor

    from LogicMonitor

    by Sam Dacanay posted 1. July 2020

  109. Develop microservices with Quarkus

    Spanish article on how to use Quarkus for microservices


    by Arkaitz Lazaro posted 30. June 2020

  110. Adding security and identity to a Quarkus application.

    Secure your Quarkus applications

    from Red Hat

    by Sebastien Blanc and Edson Yanaga posted 26. June 2020

  111. How to automatically create AppCDS archives as part of your Quarkus (Maven) project build

    Building Class Data Sharing Archives with Apache Maven - Gunnar Morling

    from Red Hat

    by Gunnar Morling posted 11. June 2020

  112. How to connect your Quarkus applications to Infinispan Data Grid

    from Red Hat

    by Francesco Marchioni posted 9. June 2020

  113. Deploying Quarkus applications to OpenShift using Red Hat Code Ready Containers

    from Red Hat

    by Francesco Marchioni posted 5. June 2020

  114. Mandrel: A community distribution of GraalVM for the Red Hat build of Quarkus - Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by Mark Little posted 5. June 2020

  115. Armel created a quick tip video which shows how to use Apache NetBeans IDE to profile your Java artefacts.

    How to profile your Java application with NetBeans- Quarkus Microservices

    by Armel Nane posted 4. June 2020

  116. The road to Quarkus GA: Completing the first supported Kubernetes-native Java stack - Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by Mark Little posted 4. June 2020

  117. Comparison between Quarkus and Spring Boot

    How My App's Performance Improved After Migrating To Quarkus From Spring Boot (JDK 14) | Simply How

    by Unknown posted 1. June 2020

  118. React + Quarkus: Swagger and OpenAPI

    Setting up Swagger with Quarkus and React | Quarkify

    by Dmytro Chaban posted 1. June 2020

  119. Quarkus, jlink and Application Class Data Sharing (AppCDS) | Loic's Blog

    by Loic Mathieu posted 29. May 2020

  120. Using Tika with Quarkus

    Quarkus, Apache Tika and Lucene | Gerardo Arroyo

    by [email protected] posted 28. May 2020

  121. We are excited to welcome Quarkus as an official Red Hat Runtime

    Bringing Java into the Kubernetes-native future with Quarkus

    from Red Hat

    by Rich Sharples posted 27. May 2020

  122. Red Hat’s Quarkus, a Kubernetes-native Java stack, is now supported on the Red Hat Runtimes platform for developing cloud-native applications.

    Red Hat Runtimes adds Kubernetes-native Quarkus Java stack | The Tech World

    from TheTechWorld

    by Unknown posted 27. May 2020

  123. Red Hat, Inc., the world's leading provider of open source solutions, today announced an expansion of its application services portfolio with the addition of Quarkus as a fully supported framework in Red Hat Runtimes.

    Red Hat Advances Java on Kubernetes, Delivers Quarkus as a Fully-Supported Runtime for Cloud-Native Development – Silicon Valley Daily

    from Red Hat

    by Unknown posted 27. May 2020

  124. Red Hat’s Quarkus, a Kubernetes-native Java stack, is now supported on the Red Hat Runtimes platform for developing cloud-native applications.

    Red Hat Runtimes adds Kubernetes-native Quarkus Java stack | InfoWorld

    from InfoWorld

    by Paul Krill posted 27. May 2020

  125. If your project needs UI, React probably is a good option for any middle-size service. With Quarkus, it’s super easy to serve your React app.

    Build, run and deploy React app with Quarkus | Quarkify

    by Dmitry Chaban posted 26. May 2020

  126. This article explains how to deploy Quarkus applications on OpenShift as quickly as possible. All you need is an OpenShift cluster with enough memory. Everything else can be done in the browser.

    Deploying Quarkus Apps on OpenShift without local Setup

    from IBM

    by Niklas Heidloff posted 25. May 2020

  127. Generate a JHipster Quarkus project with angular frontend and feature-rich backend.

    Generate Quarkus project with JHipster | Quarkify

    by Dmytro Chaban posted 22. May 2020

  128. How to deploy a Panache/MongoDB Quarkus application in the cloud with Platform.sh

    Deploy Quarkus Faster in the Cloud With Platform.sh Part 6 - DZone Java

    from Platform.sh

    by Otavio Santana posted 19. May 2020

  129. How to deploy a Quarkus application with a command mode Application in the cloud with Platform.sh

    Deploy Quarkus Faster in the Cloud with Platform.sh. Part 5 - DZone Java

    from Platform.sh

    by Otavio Santana posted 19. May 2020

  130. Quarkuss serverless strategy

    Quarkus Serverless Strategy | Bill the Plumber

    by Bill Burke posted 19. May 2020

  131. Quarkus uses GraalVM and builds ahead of time (AOT) to package a OS-native artifact that can be deployed without using the Java Virtual Machine. Let’s understand how it works!

    Deploying Java on Kubernetes with Quarkus - Modus Create

    from Modus Create

    by Wesley Fuchter posted 18. May 2020

  132. IntelliJ

    CodeOps Technologies: "Quarkus & IntelliJ Idea Meetup"

    by Twitter Inc posted 16. May 2020

  133. How to secure your Quarkus app

    Quarkus Security | Some developer’s blog

    by rikcarve posted 14. May 2020

  134. How to deploy a Hibernate Search Quarkus application in the cloud with Platform.sh

    Deploy Quarkus Faster in the Cloud with Platform.sh. Part 4: Hibernate Search With Elasticsearch - DZone Java

    from Platform.sh

    by Otavio Santana posted 13. May 2020

  135. In the second of this seires on deploying Quarkus to the cloud, we take a look at building the Quarkus app in preparation for deployment.

    Deploy Quarkus Faster in The Cloud with Platform.sh. Part 2: PostgreSQL with JPA - DZone Java

    from Platform.sh

    by Otavio Santana posted 13. May 2020

  136. Tutorial to reduce the server footprint of a REST API in JAVA by compiling it in native code with Quarkus

    REST API with Quarkus, JPA, GraalVM and Docker

    by François-Xavier Robin posted 13. May 2020

  137. How to deploy a Panache/PostgreSQL Quarkus application in the cloud with Platform.sh

    Deploy Quarkus Faster in the Cloud With Platform.sh Part 3: PostgreSQL With Panache - DZone Java

    from Platform.sh

    by Otavio Santana posted 13. May 2020

  138. JWT Token use cases and token generation.

    Simple JWT Token authentication with Quarkus | Quarkify

    by Dmytro Chaban posted 12. May 2020

  139. Lufthansa Technik reduced its cloud costs to one third after starting to use Red Hats Quarkus. The solution is one of Red Hat's latest news and is aimed at everyone who works in container environments.

    Quarkus 10x faster - Voister

    by Tim Leffler posted 12. May 2020

  140. How to deploy a plain Quarkus application in the cloud with Platform.sh

    Deploy Quarkus Faster in The Cloud with Platform.sh. Part 1: Hello World - DZone Java

    from Platform.sh

    by Otavio Santana posted 11. May 2020

  141. Workshops: Reactive Apps with Quarkus and OpenShift

    from IBM

    by Niklas Heidloff posted 11. May 2020

  142. Uploading files to MinIO Cloud Native Object Store from Quarkus RESTful API

    Uploading files to MinIO Cloud Native Object Store from Quarkus RESTful API | 2much2learn.com

    from 2much2learn

    by Madan Narra (https://www.linkedin.com/in/narramadan) posted 10. May 2020

  143. Using WebSockets to push updates to a frontend application

    Hands-On Reactive Application with Angular and Quarkus

    by Catalin Patrut posted 10. May 2020

  144. Some thoughts on Quarkus vs Spring on Swagger support, HTTP response code, and Quarkus' 80% statup time improvement.

    Spring boot Vs Quarkus - Loganathan Murugesan - Medium

    by Loganathan Murugesan posted 10. May 2020

  145. Nowadays Quarkus known as SUPERSONIC SUBATOMIC JAVA. It provides a lot of features to facilitate build and deployment.

    Openshift and AWS Lambda Deployment With Quarkus - DZone Microservices

    by Elina Valieva posted 8. May 2020

  146. competitor recently published a microbenchmark comparing the performance of their stack to Quarkus. The Quarkus team feels this microbenchmark shouldn’t be taken at face value because it wasn’t making a like-to-like comparison leading to incorrect conclusions.

    Quarkus – an IO thread and a worker thread walk into a bar: a microbenchmark story

    from Red Hat

    by Emmanuel Bernard posted 7. May 2020

  147. GraalVM Native Image Tips & Tricks - James Ward

    by Unknown posted 7. May 2020

  148. Vidar walks through a innovative way to have hot-reload of both frontend and back end services using Docker compose.

    Hot deployment of Quarkus & Node (React) through Docker

    by Vidar Wahlberg posted 6. May 2020

  149. If you’re not aware yet, there is a Java framework that is considered a true game-changer. Meet Quarkus - with the help of IBM Developer Advocate Niklas Heidloff.

    Quarkus: Java framework for Containers-based development

    by Leo Sorge posted 6. May 2020

  150. Adam shows how to use Quarkus command mode to write a CLI

    A Command Line Application with Quarkus

    by Adam Bien posted 6. May 2020

  151. Quarkus is a high-profile integration with GraalVM.

    Oracle's GraalVM finds its place in Java app ecosystem

    by Darryl K. Taft posted 4. May 2020

  152. Vuejs is a perfect tool that can help you build single-page applications. Why not integrate it tightly with Quarkus?

    Build, run and deploy Vuejs app with Quarkus | Quarkify

    by Dmytro Chaban posted 4. May 2020

  153. Example on how to use a request filter to exchange data in the web layer using headers and CDI

    Adding data to the Vert.X web layer from your Quarkus application : idk.dev

    by Data Science posted 3. May 2020

  154. Adam walks through how Quarkus work behind the scenes. Shows how you can validate what Quarkus actually does.

    Behind the Scenes (=Magic) of Dependency Injection in Quarkus : Adam Bien's Weblog

    by Adam Bien posted 3. May 2020

  155. Dmytro tells the story on how he learned to save money and time using Quarkus on Google Cloud Platform. Great info on how to run it and how to work with Quarkus on GCP.

    How to deploy Quarkus on Google App Engine

    by Dmytro posted 3. May 2020

  156. Quarkus and Kubernetess cheat sheet

    Quarkus & Kubernetes I Cheat Sheet | Red Hat Developer

    from Red Hat

    by Alex Soto posted 30. April 2020

  157. How to deploy your Quarkus app on Kubernetes in 10 secs (in French)

    De QuarkusIO à Kubernetes en 10 secondes | | Middleware Solutions


    from Middleware Solutions

    by Emmanuel Lesne posted 24. April 2020

  158. Maxime outlines how he fully automated with GitHub Actions his deployment of a Quarkus app to Google Cloud Platform.

    How to use GitHub Actions to deploy your Quarkus app to GCP

    by Maxime David posted 23. April 2020

  159. Qute is a native-capable and async templating engine and Francesco introduces you to examples and syntax of Qute.

    Qute: a template for Quarkus Web applications

    from Red Hat

    by Francesco Marchioni posted 20. April 2020

  160. Liquibase the second database migration tool available with a Quarkus extension. Written by Andrej and in this article he walks through how Liquibase for Quarkus works

    Quarkus meets Liquibase | Capgemini Engineering

    from Cap Gemini

    by Andrej Petras posted 23. March 2020

  161. Bruno walks through a year of using Quarkus

    One year of Quarkus at Talkdesk

    from Talkdesk

    by Bruno Baptista posted 19. March 2020

  162. Dumi gives a nice example of implementing GraphQL using reactive mysql with a sprinkle of Vert.x all nicely combined and orchestrated with Quarkus.

    Microservices with Quarkus – GraphQL API+ Reactive MySQL

    by Duminda Wanninayake posted 7. March 2020

  163. Jaydeep gives his angle on how he thinks Quarkus can help make Java great again. Something we fully believe together with him.

    Quarkus - Make Java Great Again

    by Jaydeep Deshmukh posted 7. March 2020

  164. Once again Adam goes in an compare numbers; in this he shows how Quarkus with its 'treeshaking' ends up taking up less memory than an empty Jetty. Interesting comparison - worth a watch!

    Quarkus with MicroProfile, RAM, Jetty and -Xmx18m

    by Adam Bien posted 7. March 2020

  165. Adam likes to measure and compare things - this time he takes on Quarkus vs WildFly - two projects that shares a lot of the same engineering roots. Interesting quick screencast that gives some external understanding on these two great projects.

    Quarkus vs. WildFly -- Requests per Second

    by Adam Bien posted 7. March 2020

  166. Alex gives his take on introducing Quarkus and how it accelerates development.

    CodeTalks - Java Particle Acceleration using Quarkus

    by Alex Soto posted 1. March 2020

  167. Rafal outlines how he uses Testcontainers to setup tests of his Quarkus application with automatic start/stop of a PostgreSQL database!

    Quarkus tests with Testcontainers and PostgreSQL

    by Rafal Borowiec posted 28. February 2020

  168. Jiri goes on an interesting journey outlining how he took the existing plain Java based Operator for Spark and converted it to a Quarkus based Operator.

    Migrating the Spark Operator to Quarkus

    by Jiri Kremser posted 26. February 2020

  169. OpenJ9 is an alternative JavaVM to OpenJDK. In this article Niklas takes it for a ride and shows how it stack up against GraalVM and OpenJDK in a basic CRUD application.

    Using the OpenJ9 JVM for Quarkus Applications

    by Niklas Heidloff posted 25. February 2020

  170. Harald outlines his approach on using docker-compose to setup integration test environment in his Quarkus project.


    by Harald Reinmüller posted 24. February 2020

  171. Jean-François describes how he by using Quarkus API's significantly reduced the amount of configuration and boiler-plate code.

    Optimize your code for Quarkus – Jean-François James

    by Jean-François James posted 24. February 2020

  172. Grzegorz is not a fan of frameworks but still found a light in Quarkus. Read this article on his angle on why he like Quarkus and used it to make Quarkus hazelcast extension.

    Quarkus – A New Age of Modern Java Frameworks is Here – { 4Comprehension }

    from Hazelcast

    by Grzegorz Piwowarek posted 23. February 2020

  173. Dorian goes through how to do multitenancy in Quarkus using his latest Quarkus extension all hooked up to Open ID.

    Implement multi tenancy oidc and hibernate on quarkus

    by Dorian Maliszewski posted 17. February 2020

  174. Loic walks through how to use TestContainers with Quarkus.

    Quarkus and Testcontainers

    by Loic Mathieu posted 17. February 2020

  175. Deploying a native Quarkus app on Clever Cloud (French)

    Déployer une application native Quarkus sur Clever-cloud – Lunatech

    from Lunatech

    by Nicolas Martignole posted 7. February 2020

  176. How to use flight Recorder custom events in a Quarkus app

    Monitoring REST APIs with Custom JDK Flight Recorder Events - Gunnar Morling

    by Gunnar Morling posted 29. January 2020

  177. Nicolas from Lunatech walks through his initials thoughs on Quarkus and stating he'll post more while he evaluates Quarkus. We are looking forward to it!

    Quarkus: an open-source tool to write your Java applications

    from Lunatech

    by Nicolas Martignole posted 27. January 2020

  178. Niklas outlines how he wrote a reactive application in Quarkus with some nice drawings and scenarioes.

    Development of Reactive Applications with Quarkus

    from IBM

    by Niklas Heidloff posted 20. January 2020

  179. Mirko walks you through how he used Quarkus to make an Alexa skill hosted on Amazon Lambda.

    Alexa skill with Quarkus

    by Mirko Bonasorte posted 7. December 2019


  1. Intermediate's course to develop microservices with Quarkus and MicroProfile.

    Building Microservices with Quarkus

    from agoncal

    by Antonio Goncalves posted 11. May 2021

  2. Beginner's course to understand and start using Quarkus.

    Starting with Quarkus

    from agoncal

    by Antonio Goncalves posted 6. April 2021

  3. This course explains what Quarkus is so you can decide if it's suited for your project.

    Quarkus: Fundamentals

    from Pluralsight

    by Antonio Goncalves posted 15. January 2021


  1. Daniel demo's the new Quarkus Developer UI

    Make it easier than ever with Quarkus Dev UI

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 28. January 2021

  2. Use #RedHat​ #OpenShift​ API Management, #Quarkus​, and 3scale API management to automatically import and manage exposed APIs.

    Red Hat OpenShift API Management Quarkus Application demo

    from Red Hat

    by Red Hat Developer posted 26. January 2021

  3. Should you migrate to Quarkus?

    Migrating SpringBoot to Quarkus with Migration Toolkit for Applications

    from Konveyor

    by Konveyor posted 26. January 2021

  4. Roberto Cortez @radcortez joins us to discuss Quarkus's very flexible configuration mechanism backed by SmallRye Configuration + some of its own specific mechanisms like build vs runtime configuration.

    Quarkus Insights #57: Quarkus CLI

    from Red Hat

    by Quarkusio posted 7. July 2021

  5. Camel Quarkus, Camel Spring Boot, Camel K, Camel Karaf and Kamelet? What are they? Which one should I pick for my project?

    Choosing the right Camel for your ride - beginner guide

    by Christina Lin posted 6. July 2021

  6. Developing Reactive Streams with Spring vs Quarkus

    Developing Reactive Streams with Spring vs Quarkus

    by Daniel Oh posted 6. July 2021

  7. Dimitris Andreadis is Director of Engineering at Red Hat in charge of the Quarkus team and gives interesting answers about Quarkus

    Quarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java | Dimitris Andreadis Interview (EN)

    by JAVAPRO posted 6. July 2021

  8. Tailor metrics that matter with Quarkus, with Ana Maria Mihalceanu

    Tailor metrics that matter with Quarkus, with Ana Maria Mihalceanu

    by Codecamp Romania posted 29. June 2021

  9. Panel discusses Quarkus 2.0

    Quarkus Insights #55: Quarkus 2.0 Launch

    from Red Hat

    by Quarkusio posted 28. June 2021

  10. Quarkus World Tourh @ JoziJUG

    Quarkus world tour

    by JoziJUG posted 28. June 2021

  11. How to debug a Quarkus application with IntelliJ IDEA

    How to debug a Quarkus application with IntelliJ IDEA | Quarkus Tutorial | QUARKUS | Java

    by Giuseppe Scaramuzzino posted 26. June 2021

  12. Getting Started with Cloud Native Development

    Getting Started with Cloud Native Development

    by Daniel Oh posted 22. June 2021

  13. Testing a Quarkus application with WireMock aand RestAssured.

    Testing a Quarkus application with WireMock and Rest Assured | Quarkus Tutorial | QUARKUS | Java

    by Giuseppe Scaramuzzino posted 19. June 2021

  14. Quarkus World Tour,presentation, Seoul

    Quarkus World Tour 2021 Korea

    by JBUG Korea posted 17. June 2021

  15. Quarkus simplifies the operation of Java apps on #Kubernetes, the building of #NativeImages & can accelerate common #JVM applications!

    Kubernetes Native Application mit Quarkus | Markus Eisele Interview

    by JAVAPRO posted 17. June 2021

  16. Building Kubernetes Native Java with Quarkus Command Line Interface CLI

    Building Kubernetes Native Java with Quarkus Command Line Interface CLI

    by Daniel Oh posted 15. June 2021

  17. Recording of the Quarkus World Tour at Warsaw JUG

    289. WJUG Quarkus World Tour w/Michał Szynkiewicz

    from Red Hat

    by Warsaw JUG posted 15. June 2021

  18. using JWT Tokens with quarkus

    #7 - Quarkus: Integrando com a API de Filmes do IMDB - Implementando A autenticação com o JWT

    by Marcus Paulo posted 14. June 2021

  19. How to reduce your testing waiting times with the new @QuarkusIO 2.0 continuous testing feature in dev mode

    Reduce your test waiting times with Quarkus 2.0 continuous testing

    by Sebastian Daschner posted 14. June 2021

  20. Zero Config setupwith DevServices on Quarkus

    Zero Config Setup with DevServices on Quarkus

    by Daniel Oh posted 26. April 2021

  21. Using Automatiko workflows and Quarkus remote Live Coding to develop kubernetes operators.

    Automatiko :: Kubernetes Operator - Live coding in Kubernetes Cluster

    by Maciej Swiderski posted 17. March 2021

  22. Raffael presents an exciting microservice story explaining how to modernize a monolithic (Java) application architecture towards a modern stack based on Quarkus and Red Hat OpenShift.

    A Microservice Story - Architectural transition with ease powered by Quarkus and OpenShift [English]

    by OpenShift Anwender posted 16. March 2021

  23. Daniel Oh discusses Automated analysis data of Quarkus and Vert.x with ContainerJFR

    Automated analysis data of Quarkus and Vert.x with ContainerJFR

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 8. March 2021

  24. Quarkus Reactive SQL Clients with PostgreSQL, Reactive, and Mutin

    Quarkus Reactive SQL Clients with PostgreSQL | Quarkus Tutorial | QUARKUS | Reactive | Mutiny

    by Giuseppe Scaramuzzino posted 6. March 2021

  25. Application Modernization Sample - From Java EE (2010) to Cloud-Native (2021)

    Application Modernization Sample - From Java EE (2010) to Cloud-Native (2021)

    from IBM

    by Niklas Heidloff posted 2. March 2021

  26. Visit https://red.ht/2O7YPBw​ to take part in Quarkus for IoT Hackfest to show your skills, win prizes & recognition! Red Hat EMEA partners with Quarkus, Java & IoT skills are invited.

    Join Quarkus for IoT Hackfest 2021

    from Red Hat

    by Red Hat Global Webinar Videos posted 1. March 2021

  27. Tutrial on using the MicroProfile Rest Client with Quarkus

    Eclipse Microprofile RestClient with Quarkus | Complete Tutorial | QUARKUS | Resteasy | Java

    by Giuseppe Scaramuzzino posted 20. February 2021

  28. In questa sessione, vedremo cosa mette a disposizione, quali sono le differenze rispetto ai framework Java tradizionali (e.g. JEE) e perchè vale la pena adottare Quarkus. La sessione includerà una demo.

    Cloud Native Java con Quarkus | Giuseppe Bonocore


    by ItalianCoders DevTalks posted 18. February 2021

  29. [Session in italian] We will see what it provides, what are the differences from traditional Java frameworks (eg JEE) and why Quarkus is worth adopting.

    Cloud Native Java con Quarkus | Giuseppe Bonocore

    from Red Hat

    by ItalianCoders DevTalks posted 18. February 2021

  30. Using Quarkus without Maven or Gradle

    Try out Quarkus without Maven or Gradle

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 17. February 2021

  31. In this session, learn what Quarkus is and how it has been proven to significantly increase developer productivity while reducing operational costs.

    Building Java microservices for Kubernetes with Quarkus

    by SPIDER WEB TECH TECH posted 14. February 2021

  32. Join this deep dive session to learn how Java apps can have small memory footprints, boot in milliseconds, and help you have instantaneous save/refresh coding sessions

    Quarkus Basics Master Course

    from Red Hat

    by RedHatAPAC posted 12. February 2021

  33. Quarkus RESTEasy Reactive

    Maximize throughput the Quarkus with RESTEasy Reactive

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 11. February 2021

  34. Scaling Quarkus applicationson OpenShift based on memory utilizattion.

    Scaling your Quarkus apps based Memory Utilization

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 10. February 2021

  35. platform.sh video podcast discussing using Quarkus and Kogito on platform.sh

    Empowering business automation with QuarkusIO

    from platform.sh

    by platform.sh posted 6. February 2021

  36. An introduction to the #Quarkus​ #Funqy​ #Serverless​ API and its features, JVM and Native build and running a Funqy Container

    Quarkus Funqy Serverless API - Introduction and Features

    by Niko Köbler posted 5. February 2021

  37. Architects and Tech Lead, Jérôme Tama will talk to you about Quarkus, a new trendy framework. Quarkus is the new black. This is how we could sell the new trendy framework that offers us supersonic applications on OpenJDK or via native images.

    Quarkus : Natif so easy ?

    by onepoint posted 4. February 2021

  38. Kogito + Quarkus

    Kogito + Quarkus: the Marriage Made on a Cloud

    by Kogito posted 2. February 2021

  39. Managed deployed Quarkus application configurations with Helm

    Manage Quarkus Applications with Helm

    from Red Hat

    by Red Hat Developer posted 27. January 2021

  40. Talk with Java Champion Antonio Goncalves about Quarkus, and the two free e-books he just published on the subject.

    Antonio Goncalves on Quarkus

    from Java on Azure

    by Java on Azure and Antonio Goncalves posted 25. January 2021

  41. Erin and Georgios sits down and talk about Quarkus 1.11 release touching on resteasy reactive, micrometer, jbang and lots of questions from listeners.

    quarkusio: Quarkus Insights - Episode #34: Talking about the Quarkus 1.11

    from Red Hat

    by Quarkus Team posted 25. January 2021

  42. jHipster Quarkus release discussion

    jHipster Quarkus release discussion

    by Anthony Viard posted 25. January 2021

  43. By the end of the episode, you'll know what Quarkus is and you'll have learned about the advantages that serverless computing brings to your business operations and your bottom line.

    S1E4: Red Hat Expert Insights: What is Quarkus, Anyway? And What Do I Need to know about Serverless Computing?

    from Moser Consulting and Red Hat

    by ASCII Anything + Jim Garrett posted 21. January 2021

  44. Discussion on why to use Quarkus.

    Por que usar Quarkus? - Hipsters.Talks #36


    by Alura Cursos Online posted 20. January 2021

  45. Enhancing the development loop with Quarkus Remote Dev

    Enhancing the development loop with Quarkus Remote Dev

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 20. January 2021

  46. Part 1 - Quarkus: what's behind the Supersonic Subatomic and Part 2 - Microservices with Quarkus live demo

    Quarkus night!

    from Singapore Java User Group

    by Emmanuel Bernard, Antonio Goncalves posted 15. December 2020

  47. Hybrid Serverless development using Quarkus

    Hybrid Serverless Development using Quarkus

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 24. September 2020

  48. Quarkus and Hazelcast Client extension

    Quarkus and Hazelcast Client Extension

    from Hazelcast

    by Hazelcast posted 2. September 2020

  49. Daniel demonstrates how to move from Spring Boot Data caching code to Quarkus.

    Migrate Spring Boot Applications with Cache to Quarkus - Part 2

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 22. August 2020

  50. How to build a Kubernetes Operator in Quarkus

    Building a Kubernetes Operator in Quarkus - Kevin Crawley (Instana)

    from Instana

    by Kevin Crawley posted 21. August 2020

  51. Daniel shows how to use GraphQL with Quarkus.

    How to consume GraphQL APIs using Quarkus

    by Daniel Oh posted 10. August 2020

  52. Russian Quarkus Application Bootstrap - where do small sizes and timings come from?

    Russian video on how Quarkus works


    from EPAM Ukraine Career

    by Maksym Govorischev posted 6. August 2020

  53. Loïc Matheiu stopped by to discuss MongoDB with Panache.

    Quarkus Insights #13: MongoDB with Panache

    from Red Hat

    by Quarkusio posted 3. August 2020

  54. In this video I'll show how to perform database migrations in Quarkus applications using the Flyway Quarkus Extension.

    Pragmatic database migrations with Quarkus and Flyway

    from IBM

    by Sebastian Daschner posted 18. July 2020

  55. Roberto is going to show you how to use it to develop a microservices architecture by mixing technologies such as MicroProfile, Camel, and RabbitMQ and deploy it with GraalVM and Kubernetes in a polyglot environment using Java and R

    Quarkus in Real-World Deployments

    from Red Hat

    by Roberto Cortez posted 14. July 2020

  56. Debugging a Quarkus application on the JVM

    Daniel walks you through how debugging a Quarkus App with devmode and vscode

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 29. June 2020

  57. Walkthrough on test-driven microservices with Quarkus

    Testing Quarkus App - Part I

    from Red Hat

    by Daniel Oh posted 26. June 2020

  58. Red Hat Middleware demonstrate how Quarkus when deployed natively results in being faster to start than Spring Boot, NodeJS, Python and Go.

    Deploying Multiple Cloud-Native Apps with OpenShift Serverless

    from Red HAt

    by Red Hat Middleware posted 4. June 2020

  59. Georgios presents on what is new in Quarkus with live questions.

    OpenShift Commons Briefing: What's New in Quarkus

    from Red Hat

    by Georgios Andrianakis posted 3. June 2020

  60. Quarkus Deep Dive series - Interactive Panel

    [SouJava Online] Painel Interativo Deep Dive Series: Quarkus

    from SouJava

    by SouJava posted 28. May 2020

  61. BordeauxJUG : Artificial Intelligence on Quarkus: I love it when an OptaPlan comes together

    by Bordeaux JUG posted 28. May 2020

  62. Deploy Friday: E06 Quarkus Supersonic Subatomic Java

    by Platform.sh posted 22. May 2020

  63. An example coffee beans Quarkus application that uses a Neo4J database and Neo4J OGM

    Neo4J OGM with Quarkus

    by Sebastian Daschner posted 18. May 2020

  64. This video explains how to use Jhipster to create a Quarkus application.

    Create a Quarkus application with JHipster.

    by Daniel PETISME posted 17. May 2020

  65. Developer mode and command mode discussions

    Quarkus Insights #2: quarkus:dev and Command mode

    from Red Hat

    by Quarkusio posted 12. May 2020

  66. The Quarkus Way

    6. Cloud Native Bern Meetup

    by Cloud Native Bern posted 12. May 2020

  67. How to create serverless functions on AWS using Quarkus.

    Meetup Virtual GuateJUG 2020.05 | AWS Lambda: Soluciones con Quarkus

    by Eventos JEspañol posted 8. May 2020

  68. Introduction to Quarkus with Kotlin (video)

    Introduction to Quarkus with Kotlin

    from Daily Code Buffer

    by Daily Code Buffer posted 7. May 2020

  69. Max give his Black Swan talk at Switzerland Java User Group in the first ~45 minutes and the last ~30 minutes he is answering 25+ questions from the live audience.

    Quarkus: The Black Swan of Java?

    from Switzerland Java User Group - Red Hat

    by Java User Group Switzerland posted 1. May 2020

  70. Nataniel has courses in youtube channel (portuguese) talking about Quarkus and MongoDB

    Nataniel Paiva has a youtube channel with course of Quarkus and MongoDB


    by Nataniel Paiva posted 18. April 2020

  71. Nataniel has courses in youtube channel (portuguese) talking about Quarkus and PanacheEntity with PostgreSQL

    Nataniel Paiva has a youtube channel with course of Quarkus and PanacheEntity


    by Nataniel Paiva posted 16. April 2020

  72. Sebastian walks through how to use and how quarkus:dev works when running in containers

    Quarkus remote dev in Docker containers

    from Java Code Geeks

    by Sebastian Daschner posted 19. March 2020

  73. Doing testing in containers does not need to be hard - Sebastian shows how he setup testing in his docker container setup.

    Quarkus remote dev in Docker containers

    by Sebastian Daschner posted 18. March 2020

  74. Eero Arvonen talks about their Finance/Banking data app which now in parts are migrated from Thorntail to Quarkus. He walk throughs the pain points and advantages of using Quarkus.

    Future Finance Data Innovations with Open Banking and PSD2 Eero Arvonen (Suomen Asiakastieto)

    from Asiakastieto Group

    by OpenShift posted 31. January 2020

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