FilmFinder - Find movies to watch together, faster | Product Hunt

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/filmfinder
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Find movies to watch together, faster

Decide what to watch by starting a movie finding session. Set your preferences and find movies together, faster.
Featured 11h ago
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Hello ProductHunt! Excited to share this fun little way to discover new movies, together. The idea of "Tinder for Movies" isn't new but we wanted to build something custom that worked well for our use case.

You can create a session and invite anyone to join your session. Once they join, you can start picking movies to watch together. Matched movies will appear on the screen as you are swiping. Tapping on the matched movies will take you to JustWatch, where you can see all the places it is available to buy or rent.

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