Zero-config P2P encrypted folder syncing, not the 2007 game

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/portal-11
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Zero-config P2P encrypted folder syncing, not the 2007 game
Presenting Portal, a zero-config, p2p, encrypted, live folder syncing tool that respects your .gitignore! Perfect for syncing photos/videos/code between many devices without using a 3P tool like GitHub, Email, or Google Photos.
Featured 9h ago
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Co-Founder/CEO @ Kona
I've been looking for this for SO LONG. Awesome stuff ?makers. Syncing photos specifically is ridiculously hard. This is gonna be amazing :)
Open Source, Ethical Tech, and Infra
@pandiyasid Hey Siddharth, thanks for the kind words!! Glad this is gonna be helpful :))
Open Source, Ethical Tech, and Infra

👋 Hello ProductHunt! Ever wanted to send the photos you took on a hiking trip to a friend and realized that your Cloud storage was full? Or need to send a bunch of files between your laptop and home desktop? Introducing, portal — a p2p live folder syncing tool that just works out of the box.

Some features:

Ephemeral: As soon as you close your portal, no further content can be downloaded from it. No data is stored anywhere except on the host device.

Decentralized: There is no central portal server that all data is routed through. portal only uses public servers to maintain a DHT (distributed hash table) for peer discovery.

One-to-many: A single host can sync data to any number of connected peers.

Stream-based: Utilizes file streaming to handle files of arbitrary size (regardless of whether they fit in memory or not)

Efficient: Changes in single files means that only one file needs to be synced. portal tracks which files have changed to avoid resyncing entire folders wherever possible.

Secure: Like Dat, all data is encrypted using the read key. Only those who have your current 32-byte portal session ID can view the data you share.

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