An app to manage and track your personal daily expenses

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/spesa
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An app to manage and track your personal daily expenses

Spesa is an easy to use and feature rich personal expense tracking app. Manage your Daily Expenses, Debts, Recurring Payments, Shopping, and receipts. Add a partner and manage expenses together.
Featured 11h ago
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Hello Everyone!

I started working on this app as a side project about 4 years ago. Initially, I started it as a hobby project and to learn more and to improve my skills in Android Development. I believe it has turned out to be a decent enough product that some people might find it interesting and useful.

Since, there are many other expenses tracking apps on the Play Store , I've tried to make it somewhat different by including several useful features an average person might need to keep track of their day-to-day expenses.

Some of the features:

I would love you hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments below.

Danish Ajaib

CS engineer
Oh this is much needed in my life!
Feedback - let me first see & use the app for a while before asking me to create an account. I don't create accounts without seeing the app in action first.
Very helpful for day to day tasks!
App (Mobile & Desktop) Developer
Helpful for pricey persons LOL
communication manager
quite helpful!

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