Issue adding tags to the vCLS VMs with vCenter Server 7.0 U2b

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.yellow-bricks.com/2021/06/01/issue-adding-tags-to-the-vcls-vms-with-vcenter-server-7-0-u2b/
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Issue adding tags to the vCLS VMs with vCenter Server 7.0 U2b

Issue adding tags to the vCLS VMs with vCenter Server 7.0 U2b

Duncan Epping · Jun 1, 2021 · 6 Comments

Today I was talking to one of our field folks and he asked if there was an issue with Tags in combination with vCLS VMs in 7.0 U2b specifically. I had tested assigning tags to vCLS VMs before, and it worked just fine. With 7.0 U2b unfortunately this has stopped working. The error you will see displayed in the vSphere Client is the following:

(vmodl.fault.SecurityError) {
faultCause = null,
faultMessage = null

Or as it shows in the UI:


So what can you do about it? Well, unfortunately not much right now, I filed a bug and uploaded the logs, engineers are looking at it as we speak, and hopefully, I will have an answer for those who need to use tags soon.

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