Microsoft Accused of Trying to Divert Edge Users to Bing

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-accused-of-trying-to-divert-edge-users-to-bing-533065.shtml
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Edge 91 shows a prompt to change the default search engine

Microsoft has recently released Microsoft Edge 91 with major improvements, including in terms of performance, but as it turns out, this new version also comes with a bug that some people believe it was actually the intended behavior.

More specifically, Microsoft Edge now displays a prompt requesting users to update their browser settings, suggesting the switch to Microsoft Bring as the default search engine.

While such a prompt makes sense to be displayed after the update, some users here on reddit claim the same message shows up over and over again for absolutely no reason. What’s even more surprising is that some say they get to see this message even if Microsoft Bing is already the default search engine.

Just a bug

Worth knowing, however, is that the whole thing is just a bug, and the prompt wasn’t supposed to show up repeatedly on Windows 10 devices.

A Microsoft Edge Community Manager said on reddit that the team is already investigating, though additional information seems to be required right now.

“I shared your thoughts with the team to determine what might be happening here. They are curious to know whether you are signed into an AAD account in Edge. I'll share this info with them and find out next steps then,” she shared.

In the meantime, if you too keep seeing the same message, the easiest way to deal with it is to just close the prompt and stick with your current settings. Microsoft is likely to roll out a patch in the coming days, though for now, the investigation continues and no specific ETA is available.

The bug seems to occur exclusively on Windows 10, with the other OS versions not affected, as the prompt shows up properly.

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