Thief Steals iPhone, Uses It for FaceTime Hours Later, Gets Caught

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/thief-steals-iphone-uses-it-for-facetime-hours-later-gets-caught-533068.shtml
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FaceTime serves as evidence against iPhone mugger

Stealing iPhones is getting harder and harder thanks to all the new features that Apple has introduced on the device, but on the other hand, it’s even harder for someone who has no idea how tech works in the first place.

This is what happened to someone in the United Kingdom who thought it would be a good idea to steal an iPhone and then record a FaceTime video call only a few hours after the whole thing.

Here’s how everything happened.

According to a local report, 21-year-old Kairo Theophilus-Reid and friend Charlie Graham decided to approach two teenagers on the street and steal their phones and their belongings. After getting an iPhone and a little over 75 pounds, the two jumped in their car, which still had the real registration plates on, and head over to a restaurant, possibly to celebrate what they just did.

And because they had the money for a good meal, the two also FaceTimed some people without resetting the iPhone or doing anything else.

Muggers caught hours later

In the meantime, the teenagers noted the license plates, rushed to their parents, and called the police, who started a search for the muggers. They were later arrested when they were driving the London, with the FaceTime calls therefore serving as incriminatory evidence.

The 21-year-old mugger was given 18 months of suspended prison because apparently, this was his only robbery, and as his lawyer explained, he’s expecting twins.

At the end of the day, it’s probably good for each and every one of us that thieves aren’t necessarily the most tech-savvy people on the planet, as the whole thing makes it harder for our phone to end up stolen. This and combined with Apple’s efforts to keep track of the iPhone means we could one day end up with no fear of our smartphones ending up in the wrong hands.

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