Hidden Microsoft Edge Flag Can Block the “Recommended Browser Settings” Prompt

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/hidden-microsoft-edge-flag-can-block-the-recommended-browser-settings-prompt-533066.shtml
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Microsoft still working on a fix for the whole thing

Microsoft rolled out Edge 91 earlier this month, but as we told you already, some of the users who installed it came across a rather annoying problem.

It’s all related to the “Use recommended browser settings” that sometimes shows up in Microsoft Edge, and which for some reason now keeps coming back again and again.

While Microsoft said it was looking into the whole thing, some users believed it was another Microsoft attempt to divert users to Bing. Pretty much because Bing is recommended as the default search engine by this prompt users can’t get rid of.

“Use recommended browser settings. Get world class performance, privacy, and productivity as you browse with the latest Microsoft Edge – the best browser for Windows 10,” the prompt reads before highlighting a setting called “Use Microsoft recommended browser settings – default search engine: Microsoft Bing.”

This flag helps you deal with the whole thing

And while a fix for the same prompt coming back occasionally is still in the works, reddit user Leopeva64-2 has discovered an easy workaround, at least until Microsoft comes up with a full patch.

It all comes down to a simple flag that comes bundled with Microsoft Edge and allows users to block such prompts from showing up completely in the browser.

The flag can be accessed by copying and pasting the following code in the Edge address bar:

edge://flags/#edge-show-feature-recommendations Called “Show feature and workflow recommendations,” the purpose of this flag is to enable and disable prompts like the one that we talked about earlier.

“When this setting is enabled, Microsoft Edge may show active messages recommending specific features and workflows based on your activities.”

The flag is obviously available on Windows exclusively, but that’s quite alright, as the aforementioned problem is only encountered on Microsoft’s operating system anyway.

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