Microsoft Teases Big New Windows Generation at Build 2021

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/microsoft-teases-new-windows-generation-build-2021/
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At Build 2021, Microsoft teased that it will announce the "next generation of Windows very soon". According to Microsoft's CEO, the next update will be "one of the most significant" Windows updates.

Microsoft Teases the Next Generation of Windows

Although Microsoft didn't announce the next generation of Windows at its Build 2021 event, the company did tease the future software update. Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, said Microsoft would release "one of the most significant updates to Windows of the past decade" "very soon".

A screenshot showing Microsoft CEO Nadella talking about the next Windows generation at Build 2021.Image Credit: Microsoft

At roughly the 1:08 mark in the live-streamed Build 2021 keynote, Nadella said:

Soon we will share one of the most significant updates to Windows of the past decade to unlock greater economic opportunity for developers and creators. I’ve been self-hosting it over the past several months, and I’m incredibly excited about the next generation of Windows. Our promise to you is this: we will create more opportunity for every Windows developer today and welcome every creator who is looking for the most innovative, new, open platform to build and distribute and monetize applications. We look forward to sharing more very soon.

According to Nadella's statement, the new generation of Windows will "unlock greater economic opportunity for developers and creators". From this, it seems as though Microsoft will include new development tools in the Windows update.

Without reading too much into what Nadella said, the phrase "next generation of Windows" could suggest that the update will be the next iteration of Windows. All the recent Windows updates have been to Windows 10, so perhaps the updated Microsoft teased could be Windows 11.

Related: How to Download and Install the Windows 10 May 2021 Update

Microsoft Is Aiming Windows at Creators and Developers

With Nadella's promises that Windows will bring big changes for both creators and developers, it seems that this is where the next Windows generation will focus. Hopefully we'll find out in the next few weeks.

About The Author


Connor Jewiss (85 Articles Published)

Connor is a UK based technology writer. Having spent a number of years writing for online publications, he is now spending time in the world of tech start-ups as well. Focusing mainly on Apple and news, Connor has a passion for tech and is especially excited by new technology. When not working, Connor enjoys spending time cooking, different fitness activities, and some Netflix with a glass of red.

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