Exam Preparation for AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certificate

 3 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/aws-builders/exam-preparation-for-aws-machine-learning-specialty-certificate-3nbb
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Exam Preparation for AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certificate

May 27

・1 min read

In this article I will share some resources that I use and depend on during journey to AWS MLS Certificate.

But first, I would like to thank both of Ministry of Communications and Information and AWS for providing the training and supervision during qualification program period which started 2020 to qualify around 500 engineers with ML and cloud skills.

This is the most important roadmap that AWS recommends.


You will find the courses names that you can find easily on aws training and certifications platform (for free)


Some prerequisites:

Some knowledge of programming (python preferred), and of course ML and cloud (AWS preferred).

If you want a free Arab content that can provide you with knowledge of AWS, this playlist for you:


And finally, you will need some practice exams, you can find it easily on Udemy or Examtopics websites.

But take care, these practice exams just for giving a hint about the main exam. So you need to check and review the answers thoroughly.

Some additional websites I used and benefited from during this journey:

AWS Sagemaker Examples:

AWS Workshops

Cloud Guru:

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