Sony Confirms PlayStation Games May be Coming to Mobile

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/playstation-mobile-games-may-arrive-soon-jim-ryan/
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We may well be seeing mobile as the next platform for PlayStation gaming. At least according to Jim Ryan, Sony Interactive Entertainment's President and CEO.

PlayStation May Make the Move to Mobile

Before you start frantically listing your PS5 on eBay, don't worry, Sony isn't ditching its existing hardware. Instead, it is seeking to make a move into mobile gaming, considering that this is such a valuable platform via which to proffer your (soft)wares.

This makes sense, as Sony recently advertised for a Head of Mobile at PlayStation Studios. Now we have confirmation that some of the biggest and best PlayStation games may be landing on your smartphone in the future.

During Sony's most recent corporate strategy meeting (which you can access a text version of via the Sony.com Investor Relations library) Ryan said:

Mobile is just one of the areas we are exploring to reach millions of gamers beyond our platforms. PlayStation has a huge catalog of diverse first-party IP that can transition to smartphone gaming and complement our AAA games or live service games. We are exploring the mobile market with some wonderful PlayStation franchises so please stay tuned.

This sounds interesting. So, does it mean we'll see first-party PSP, Vita, and PS1 games coming to mobile? That would be a real boon for Sony and PlayStation if this was the case, especially when we consider that Sony recently closed the digital stores for the PSP and Vita.

Alternatively, Sony could create all-new mobile games based on its existing IP, similar to what Nintendo has done in recent years.

When Will We See PlayStation Games on Mobile?

That, we don't know. As the quote above states, Sony is currently exploring the market, and it doesn't yet have any concrete plans to release a swathe of PlayStation games on mobile devices.

However, this is encouraging news. As Ryan states, Sony has a wealth of first-party IP it can draw upon, so we could well see some classics landing on our phones that have formerly only been playable if you own one of the older consoles.

Anyone up for a game of Destruction Derby?!

Have We Seen Mobile PlayStation Gaming Before?

playstation mobile on xperia play

Actually, we have. And it was called PlayStation Mobile.

Back in 2012, Sony launched the first version of PlayStation Mobile. Initially, it was available via the Xperia Play, a Sony handset featuring a sliding screen. You could move this screen to reveal a full set of PlayStation controls (the direction buttons and action buttons, plus Start and Select).

Sony then created the PlayStation Certified initiative, which incorporated other approved devices into the PS Mobile eco-system. Among these were the PS Vita, several Xperia handsets, and (oddly) the HTC 1.

Sony subsequently shelved the first iteration of PlayStation Mobile in 2015 and left it to fester.

Would You Like to Play PlayStation Games on Your Mobile?

playstation mobile app

You have to admit, it all sounds pretty cool. However, now that we have Remote Play on mobile devices, do we really need Sony to make a comprehensive move into the mobile space?

About The Author


Ste Knight (288 Articles Published)

Ste is the Junior Gaming Editor here at MUO. He is a faithful PlayStation follower, but has plenty of room for other platforms, too. Loves all kinds of tech, from AV, through home theatre, and (for some little-known reason) cleaning tech. Meal provider for four cats. Likes to listen to repetitive beats.

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