只是来发个笑话:LaTeX 里的路径中的空格

 3 years ago
source link: https://yihui.org/cn/2011/06/spaces-in-latex-path-names/
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只是来发个笑话:LaTeX 里的路径中的空格

谢益辉 / 2011-06-20

归隐中看到一个很好笑的笑话,于是发过来,原文在某个 Google Groups 里,但天朝人民应该看不到,我 Google 的时候看见的。如下:

Never use spaces (or other odd characters) in directory or file names. They make your teeth and hair fall out, start nuclear wars, and stop the trains running on time. Stick to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, and “_” for best results.


这类问题,就像我前些日子说到的 PATH 问题一样,提出来只想让人像李大嘴一样,垫着枕头撞柱子,一边撞一边念叨:空格!空格!空格!空格!…… 蕙兰!……

归隐 出山

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