Arcade Puzzle Shooter Flowing Lights Lands on PC and Console on May 7

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/arcade-puzzle-shooter-flowing-lights-lands-on-pc-and-console-on-may-7-532741.shtml
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A new take on SHMUPs with physics and puzzle levels

The SHMUP genre hasn't disappeared, but many developers are trying to infuse various other elements into the classic genre to make it more unique. Flowing Lights combines physics-based puzzling with intense SHMUP-like action. The game developed by a new indie studio from 28 year industry veteran Denis Dufour is coming to PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on May 7.

What makes Flowing Lights different than other arcade puzzle shooters is that players will need to curve their shots and bend their thinking as they take on wave after wave of monsters. In Flowing Lights, players must overcome an avalanche of bullets as they make their way to the end of the level. Once victory is achieved, they can try it all again just to get better scores by stringing together more powerful combos.

The folks at gFaUmNe promise smooth and challenging gameplay, tailored for those who enjoy “dying and retrying” a few tactics before succeeding. This is a new take on SHMUPs with physics and puzzles, so veterans of the genre are in for a few nice surprises.

Among the interesting features included in the game, it's worth mentioning the puzzle elements that offer a varied, always fresh experience, the retro arcade gameplay, and the unique physics-based gameplay.

In case you're wondering, each fight in Flowing Lights has been designed as a puzzle that requires a new tactic. Thanks to a unique system of terrain and physics, bullets flow like a liquid and create new and gripping gameplay situations. The goal is not only to destroy all enemies but also to find the right tactic to do so.

Flowing Lights has around 200 fights, each one unique and with optional challenges. Unsurprisingly, the game features power-ups, combos, ranks, and online leaderboards for more replayability.

If you're looking for a unique SHMUP with physics and puzzle elements, you can now wishlist Flowing Lights on Steam before its launch on May 7.

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