Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Uncovers the Parenting Style That Creates...

 3 years ago
source link: https://medium.com/inc./want-to-raise-successful-kids-science-uncovers-the-parenting-style-that-creates-better-leaders-c93a85e172cc
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Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Uncovers the Parenting Style That Creates Better Leaders

Responses (13)


OMG. "Leader" this, and "leader" that.
Why does everyone have to be a "leader"?
If there were no followers, nothing would ever get done.

1,500 teenagers

It was 1255 teens. And the study (the title, anyway) over reaches the quality of the data they collected. That is, they did not collect data of a quality that allows for causal conclusions. While over-parenting might be correlated with emerging…...
Why not abandon your children all together? Maybe send them to work in factories or coal mines as soon as they can walk. Nurturing and controlling are two completely different behaviors. You better be on top of your offspring in this sick society…...
A leadership position is not synonymous with success.
My parents allowed me to do anything I wanted always, and that's how I raised my children, and they raised their children. We did insist they take responsibility, including sharing the cooking and chores. They grew up being able to take care of themselves and are very successful in life.
Yes! Couldn’t agree more!!!
Not really surprising in any sense. My own story was very simple - my parents did not care about me when I was a child so now I feel much more confident in making decisions than other people.
Makes sense. To swim you need to get wet. None can ride a bicycle on his own if somebody is always running after him, holding it for balance and ensuring he doesn’t fall. Weaning means letting go too
I hope that there is some measurement of effects of helicopter parents in a child’s adolescence versus than that of teenage years. In some cultures there is a notion that helicopter parents at certain ages for a child are effective.
Great article and advice!!
Though I figured this out a long time ago, when my son was a little boy, i believe a lot of the younger parents should read and heed this advice. Thanks for sharing it!!

Want to Raise Successful Kids? Science Uncovers the Parenting Style That Creates Better Leaders

The process starts with establishing different intentions — for yourself

By Jeff Haden

Want to raise successful kids? Start by backing the (heck) off.

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