GitHub - JSPrismarine/JSPrismarine: Dedicated Minecraft Bedrock Edition server w...

 3 years ago
source link: https://github.com/JSPrismarine/JSPrismarine
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Why use JSPrismarine?

  • Written in TypeScript which means that it's easy to use and develop plugins for. You can in theory develop plugins in any language that transpile into JavaScript (such as TypeScript, Kotlin, CoffeeScript, asm.js and many more).
  • Open source with the permissive MPL2 license.
  • Under active development.

Getting started

Prebuilt binaries will be provided once a stable release is out, these will not require a node environment. For now however, you can either follow the steps bellow or download the latest nightly (which may or may not work).

  • Linux/MacOS/Unix based OS or Windows (which may require WSL)
    • You need Node.js v14.x and npm.
    • Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/JSPrismarine/JSPrismarine.git.
    • Go in the cloned repository cd JSPrismarine
    • Install dependencies npm install
    • Before running production build you have to build it npm run build
    • You're done, you can run it using npm run start (or npm run dev for development)
  • Can I contribute?
  • Is JSPrismarine for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition or Minecraft: Java Edition?
    • JSPrismarine is made for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, there may however be plugin(s) available to provide a Minecraft: Java Edition implementation..
  • What devices devices can a player join JSPrismarine with?
    • By default PC/Windows, Android, iOS. However with some tricks you can also join with Xbox One, Switch and the PS4.
  • Which OSes can run JSPrismarine?
    • Any platform supporting Node.js v14 or later.
  • Does it support plugins?
    • Yes but JSPrismarine is in fast development-mode which means that currently SEMVER isn't strictly followed. We do however try to provide a deprecation warning one week ahead of removing an API function.
  • If my question isn't listed here where should I sak?
  • Why can't I join a JSPrismarine instance hosted on my Windows PC?
    • To join an instance of JSPrismarine hosted on the same Windows machine you need to enable Loopback by doing the following:
      • Open Windows PowerShell as administrator
      • Run this command: CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe"
      • Open Minecraft and add a server with the ip


  • JSPrismarine still in active development, currently no stable version is released.
  • The plugin API isn't stable.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK