GitHub - genbs/urpflanze: A library for developers who want to approach to creat...

 3 years ago
source link: https://github.com/genbs/urpflanze
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A library for developers who want to approach to creative coding, for artists who want to approach to programming or for anyone else who wants to play with math.

Full docs and Examples


The most immediate way to include Urpflanze in your project is to use an online hosted version.

Full version

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/urpflanze"></script>

Customizable version

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/urpflanze[@version]/build/urpflanze[-light][.min].js"></script>

To install it just run the command:

npm i --save urpflanze

At the end you can include Urpflanze in your code

import * as Urpflanze from 'urpflanze'

const scene = new Urpflanze.Scene()

// or

import { Scene } from 'urpflanze'

const scene = new Scene()

use urpflanze/dist/index-light for light version


Hello Rect!

const scene = new Urpflanze.Scene()

const rect = new Urpflanze.Rect({
	repetitions: 8,
	distance: 100,
	sideLength: 20,
scene.add(rect) // Add rect to scene

const drawer = new Urpflanze.DrawerCanvas(scene, document.body)
drawer.draw() // Draw scene on canvas


Full docs and Examples

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