iPhone SE 2020 Users | MacRumors Forums

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iPhone SE iPhone SE 2020 Users


macrumors regular

Original poster

Mar 28, 2010
For those of you who have the iPhone SE 2020 how do you like it. I just purchased the iPhone SE 2020 with 128 GB of storage(that fits me better as well as my budget)
Last edited: Sep 28, 2020


macrumors member
Feb 10, 2018
I bought mine at launch and I really like it. At first I struggled with the battery but I came from a phone with a 4000mah battery that I didn’t have to charge for two days. I’ve adjusted my expectations with the knowledge that I will have to charge the SE every day and now it’s just routine. I’ve take it off charge at 6am and it’s back on charge around 7pm with maybe 20% left, that’s with plenty of use, it being connected to an Apple Watch and listening to music (via data) through Bluetooth headphones. In other words the battery is fine, not great but enough... just.

The actual phone is a pleasure to use, fast, really well built and for me, the perfect size.

If you can make peace with the battery situation, you’ll love it.


macrumors regular
Apr 11, 2020
I also bought mine at launch and it’s been good to me. I upgraded from a 6s and my wife from a LG so the upgrade was noticed to me. The battery was starting to go on both of our old phones so now we can make it most of the day which is nice.
I noticed an improvement in the camera over the 6s. I do miss the long press reply on texts from the lock screen though.


macrumors regular

Original poster

Mar 28, 2010
My iPhone is on the way. Being delivered by Fed Ex. I got mine for a discount as I work for an Apple Vendor doing billing


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2020
A recent convert from a Samsung Galaxy S9+ to an iPhone SE (2016), I struggled with the decision to wait for the iPhone 12 series or go for the SE 2020. Between the screen response issues with the old SE, and a photo I saw of the 12 series going back to the box style, I ordered the SE 2020 from Apple with two hour delivery and never looked back. The battery on the SE 2020 is definitely better than the SE 2016, and with my pattern of light usage, definitely get a full day, 4 am to 9 pm, with plenty of power left. Yes, I like the SE 2020 and would never go back to Android.


macrumors 68040

Jun 28, 2009 3,871

Encinitas, CA


macrumors 68020
Feb 9, 2014 2,301 1,407
I’m conflicted. I’m using an 11 Pro now and while I try so many times, I can’t get used to the weight and I’ve been using it since launch day last year. I’ve been debating getting the SE 2020, but with the 12 being so close to launch, I’d hate to get the SE now and then get the 12 so soon afterwards.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2012 2,009
Absolutely love the pocketability of the SE 2020. Had the 11 Pro for 4 months and it was borderline pocketable with a case but not comfortably pocketable if that makes sense.

Yea the battery isn’t as good as the 11 Pro but that’s what you have to expect since it’s a smaller phone.

I’m a heavy duty user and have to charge my iPhone at least once sometimes 2x during the day but I’m always near power.

The only issue that could happen and most likely will happen is when we are able to travel to France I’ll definitely need to bring my Anker portable power bank. That will be an inconvenience because I lose pocketability when charging.


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2013
Had mine since Monday, Red 128GB. I love it. Super snappy, takes good pictures and the battery is fine for me. I love this form factor, having tried all kinds of devices this year, iPhone 11, iPhone 8+, Samsung S10, Pixel 3XL to name a few.

Also a big touchID fan.


macrumors 65816
Aug 21, 2020 1,175
I’m conflicted. I’m using an 11 Pro now and while I try so many times, I can’t get used to the weight and I’ve been using it since launch day last year. I’ve been debating getting the SE 2020, but with the 12 being so close to launch, I’d hate to get the SE now and then get the 12 so soon afterwards.
I’ll save you the time. I have had a 11 pro since release, tried a SE this week, lasted 4 hours, sure feels lighter bit smaller, but the screen is washed out and very dull. If all you want it for is calls and messages sure.


macrumors 6502

Oct 17, 2015


Had mine since April, having used an 8 plus. SE is a nice, very snappy, compact, one handed no frills phone. Sure it had the same design as the iphone 8 with large forehead and chin bezels, but its a tried and tested well refined design. I get solid 2 days battery life in between charges as i am a light/moderate user, who doesnt sit there for hours rinsing instagram/tick tock like some social media zombies do. Its got an A13 like the iphone 11 series so is very powerful and will be supported for next 4-5 years.


macrumors regular
Jun 1, 2015
Had to go back to my 8+. Battery wasn’t acceptable for me.


macrumors 68030
May 20, 2010 2,697 1,473
I’m conflicted. I’m using an 11 Pro now and while I try so many times, I can’t get used to the weight and I’ve been using it since launch day last year. I’ve been debating getting the SE 2020, but with the 12 being so close to launch, I’d hate to get the SE now and then get the 12 so soon afterwards.
I'm the other way. I have 11PM and got SE2020 for easier authentication with a mask. Lasted a few months but wanted the larger screen again, so went back to 11PM and have SE2020 now for backup.

Reactions: uther and Jovijoker


macrumors regular

Original poster

Mar 28, 2010
Had mine since Monday, Red 128GB. I love it. Super snappy, takes good pictures and the battery is fine for me. I love this form factor, having tried all kinds of devices this year, iPhone 11, iPhone 8+, Samsung S10, Pixel 3XL to name a few.

Also a big touchID fan.
I also bought the 128GB storage in Red. Right now I have a Motorola G5 go that I will keep as a backup. I have a prepaid plan through Verizon as that is better for me

rui no onna

macrumors G3
Oct 25, 2013 9,274 5,256
For those of you who have the iPhone SE 2020 how do you like it. I just purchased the iPhone SE 2020 with 128 GB of storage(that fits be better as well as my budget)
Really like mine. Especially since I got it for $200 off from Walmart.

I'm coming from the iPhone 7 with a shot battery though so for me, the SE 2020 is an upgrade in every way.

I'll likely get the 5.4" iPhone 12 and keep the SE 2020 as backup/insurance. It's gotten pretty congested where I am so 5G would be appreciated. Both AT&T and T-Mobile already have it and since I'm near Dodger Stadium, I expect Verizon will soon follow. Alas, if the iPhone 12 gives me migraines I'll be going back to the SE.


macrumors 6502a
I just bought my SE 128GB last week from Best Buy on the fly. My XS Max screen crapped out (green flashing boxes, lines, then it finally blacked out), didn't want to buy the 11 series as the 12 series will be out soon - so I opted for the SE. My XS Max is out of warranty and I don't want to pay out of pocket repairs for a 2 year old device.

It's been challenging to get used to the small screen size, since using the XS Max for 2 years, but I'm surviving. I like the small form factor, easy to carry and pocket (I forgot how convenient small phones were to carry). The battery has actually been better than my XS Max (seriously) so no issues there. Touch ID is nice to have back again - down side of that when my fingers are sweaty/wet it does not work - whatever - this is where I miss Face ID. The LCD screen is easier on my eyes than the OLED from the XS Max. Since having LASIK last year my eyes are very sensitive to screens and the OLED would make my eyes tear, I do not have this issue with the SE's LCD screen, so that's a plus.

Overall the SE is a great powerful phone if you like the small screen size. It will do for me until the 12 Pro Max comes out which I will then keep this SE as a back-up phone when needed.


macrumors newbie
Aug 26, 2020
I purchased the phone just a couple weeks back and I like its lightweight characteristics, for starters. The battery pack is also quite good, and this I feel is better than some of the other iPhone models I had used, such as iPhone XR, 11 Pro, and 6. In my personal opinion, I feel that SE is a great daily use phone.
I like it. It fits my minimalist phone needs. I use my iPad Pro more than my phone. And my watch gets used the most of all my devices.


macrumors 6502

Dec 13, 2018


Best phone I have ever had. My previous was the 2016 SE. As a phone it is my choice, but depending on app and camera usage, the Pro models might make more sense. I may get a Pro in addition to the SE, but the SE would be my main phone.

Reactions: uther and urmaster


macrumors newbie
Aug 3, 2020
I switched from Android to iPhone XR not long ago but got to try the SE recently.
I have to say that no matter how much I love the XR, the SE’s size almost feels more comfortable because it can be used with one hand more easily.
If I’d had the opportunity to test both (XR and SE) before buying, I might have gotten the SE instead.


macrumors 65816
Feb 25, 2012 1,269
This should have been a poll. That said, I love it.


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2015
I love mine. White 128GB that I got at launch. It's perfect for me, and even better now on the newest 14.0 public beta since haptic notifications are enabled for the SE2020 finally.


macrumors newbie

Apr 3, 2010

Sheffield, UK

I upgraded from a 1st gen to my SE 2020 on launch day and I've been delighted with it.

I too went for the 128GB storage which seemed like a no-brainer as 64 GB was getting a bit tight on the old phone. The 2020 SE is very fast and responsive, the screen is bright and colourful and I've enjoyed the extra screen estate. I get full day battery with charge to spare. I can just about use it one-handed without stretching (I don't like or want a big phone like the Pro ones). Touch ID remains brilliant and the camera takes gorgeous pics and video. Speakers are loud and clear at high volume. All for a reasonable price. Highly recommended.

Only thing for me is that I still keep forgetting that the power button is on the right hand side now rather than on the top!

Reactions: Marty_Macfly


macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2015
I upgraded from an 8+ to the SE, so I’m not missing features like FaceID or full display that I’ve never had.

I like the smaller size and the nicer camera, but as others have mentioned battery life leaves me wishing for more. I got a Smart Battery case but it adds considerable bulk.

Ultimately, I’m waiting for the rumored small iPhone 12, and the only reason I upgraded was because it was free by trading in my 8+ through my carrier. I’ll keep the SE as a backup phone as the A13 is plenty fast and better for future-proofing than the 8+’s A11, although that phone wasn’t slow by any means.

Reactions: snipr125


macrumors regular

Original poster

Mar 28, 2010
Looks like I made a good choice then. Also wondering if I should buy he 18W charger.

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