Can’t send email from Yahoo alias in mail app | MacRumors Forums

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/cant-send-email-from-yahoo-alias-in-mail-app.2278208/
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Other Can’t send email from Yahoo alias in mail app


macrumors newbie
Original poster

I have a Yahoo alias account set up in Mail of my iPhone 8+, iOS 14.2. I’ve used it for years. So with Mail I have an original account and a separate alias account. I just changed the password for the original Yahoo email account and now it won’t let me send email from alias account.

It wants me to re-enter the password for the alias account, but when I do it says, “Email Address Mismatch, the email address you entered does not match your account.”

i tried to add a new account for the alias, but it says, “original account is already added”.

I set up something called an app password in Yahoo original account and tried to create an alias account. Wont let me.

I don’t know what to do next and the alias address is my main address for general mail.

Please help? It will be greatly appriciated.


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