Solving a few AI problems with Python: Part 1

 3 years ago
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Solving a few AI problems with Python: Part 1

AI Problems on Search, Logic and Uncertainty

In this blog we shall discuss about a few problems in artificial intelligence and their python implementations. The problems discussed here appeared as programming assignments in the edX courseCS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python (HarvardX:CS50 AI). The problem statements are taken from the course itself.


Write a program that determines how many “degrees of separation” apart two actors are.

According to the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game, anyone in the Hollywood film industry can be connected to Kevin Bacon within six steps, where each step consists of finding a film that two actors both starred in.

In this problem, we’re interested in finding the shortest path between any two actors by choosing a sequence of movies that connects them. For example, the shortest path between Jennifer Lawrence and Tom Hanks is 2: Jennifer Lawrence is connected to Kevin Bacon by both starring in “X-Men: First Class,” and Kevin Bacon is connected to Tom Hanks by both starring in “Apollo 13.”

We can frame this as a search problem: our states are people. Our actions are movies, which take us from one actor to another (it’s true that a movie could take us to multiple different actors, but that’s okay for this problem). Our initial state and goal state are defined by the two people we’re trying to connect. By using breadth-first search, we can find the shortest path from one actor to another.

The following figure shows how small samples from the dataset look like:

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Image created by Author from the csv files provided here
  • In the csv file for the people, each person has a unique id, corresponding with their id in IMDb’s database. They also have a name, and a birth year.
  • In the csv file for the movies, each movie also has a unique id, in addition to a title and the year in which the movie was released.
  • The csv file for the stars establishes a relationship between the people and the movies from the corresponding files. Each row is a pair of a person_id value and movie_id value.
  • Given two actors nodes in the graph we need to find the distance (shortest path) between the nodes. We shall use BFS to find the distance or the degree of separation. The next figure shows the basic concepts required to define a search problem in AI.
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Image created from the lecture notes from this course

The next python code snippet implements BFS and returns the path between two nodes source and target in the given input graph.

def shortest_path(source, target):
Returns the shortest list of (movie_id, person_id) pairs
that connect the source to the target.
If no possible path, returns None.

explored = set([])
frontier = [source]
parents = {}
while len(frontier) > 0:
person = frontier.pop(0)
if person == target:
for (m, p) in neighbors_for_person(person):
if not p in frontier and not p in explored:
parents[p] = (m, person)
if not target in parents:
return None
path = []
person = target
while person != source:
m, p = parents[person]
path.append((m, person))
person = p
path = path[::-1]
return path

The following animation shows how BFS finds the minimum degree(s) of separation (distance) between the query source and target actor nodes (green colored). The shortest path found between the actor nodes (formed of the edges corresponding to the movies a pair of actors acted together in) is colored in red.

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The following shows the distribution of the degrees of separation between the actors.

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Using Minimax, implement an AI to play Tic-Tac-Toe optimally.

  • For this problem, the board is represented as a list of three lists (representing the three rows of the board), where each internal list contains three values that are either X, O, or EMPTY.
  • Implement a player function that should take a board state as input, and return which player’s turn it is (either X or O).
  • In the initial game state, X gets the first move. Subsequently, the player alternates with each additional move.
  • Any return value is acceptable if a terminal board is provided as input (i.e., the game is already over).
  • Implement an action function that should return a set of all of the possible actions that can be taken on a given board.
  • Each action should be represented as a tuple (i, j) where i corresponds to the row of the move (0, 1, or 2) and j corresponds to which cell in the row corresponds to the move (also 0, 1, or 2).
  • Possible moves are any cells on the board that do not already have an X or an O in them.
  • Any return value is acceptable if a terminal board is provided as input.
  • Implement a result function that takes a board and an action as input, and should return a new board state, without modifying the original board.
  • If action is not a valid action for the board, your program should raise an exception.
  • The returned board state should be the board that would result from taking the original input board, and letting the player whose turn it is make their move at the cell indicated by the input action.
  • Importantly, the original board should be left unmodified: since Minimax will ultimately require considering many different board states during its computation. This means that simply updating a cell in board itself is not a correct implementation of the result function. You’ll likely want to make a deep copy of the board first before making any changes.
  • Implement a winner function that should accept a board as input, and return the winner of the board if there is one.
  • If the X player has won the game, your function should return X. If the O player has won the game, your function should return O.
  • One can win the game with three of their moves in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  • You may assume that there will be at most one winner (that is, no board will ever have both players with three-in-a-row, since that would be an invalid board state).
  • If there is no winner of the game (either because the game is in progress, or because it ended in a tie), the function should return None.
  • Implement a terminal function that should accept a board as input, and return a boolean value indicating whether the game is over.
  • If the game is over, either because someone has won the game or because all cells have been filled without anyone winning, the function should return True.
  • Otherwise, the function should return False if the game is still in progress.
  • Implement an utility function that should accept a terminal board as input and output the utility of the board.
  • If X has won the game, the utility is 1. If O has won the game, the utility is -1. If the game has ended in a tie, the utility is 0.
  • You may assume utility will only be called on a board if terminal(board) is True.
  • Implement a minimax function that should take a board as input, and return the optimal move for the player to move on that board.
  • The move returned should be the optimal action (i, j) that is one of the allowable actions on the board. If multiple moves are equally optimal, any of those moves is acceptable.
  • If the board is a terminal board, the minimax function should return None.
  • For all functions that accept a board as input, you may assume that it is a valid board (namely, that it is a list that contains three rows, each with three values of either X, O, or EMPTY).
  • Since Tic-Tac-Toe is a tie given optimal play by both sides, you should never be able to beat the AI (though if you don’t play optimally as well, it may beat you!)
  • The following figure demonstrates the basic concepts of adversarial search and Game and defines the different functions for tic-tac-toe.
  • Here we shall use Minimax with alpha-beta pruning to speedup the game when it is computer’s turn.
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Image created from the lecture notes from this course

The following python code fragment shows how to implement the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning:

def max_value_alpha_beta(board, alpha, beta):
if terminal(board):
return utility(board), None
v, a = -np.inf, None
for action in actions(board):
m, _ = min_value_alpha_beta(result(board, action),
alpha, beta)
if m > v:
v, a = m, action
alpha = max(alpha, v)
if alpha >= beta:
return (v, a)

def min_value_alpha_beta(board, alpha, beta):
if terminal(board):
return utility(board), None
v, a = np.inf, None
for action in actions(board):
m, _ = max_value_alpha_beta(result(board, action),
alpha, beta)
if m < v:
v, a = m, action
beta = min(beta, v)
if alpha >= beta:
return (v, a)

def minimax(board):
Returns the optimal action for the current player on the board.
if terminal(board):
return None
cur_player = player(board)
if cur_player == X:
_, a = max_value_alpha_beta(board, -np.inf, np.inf)
elif cur_player == O:
_, a = min_value_alpha_beta(board, -np.inf, np.inf)
return a

The following sequence of actions by the human player (plays as X, the Max player) and the computer (plays as O, the Min player) shows what the computer thinks to come up with optimal position of O and the game tree it produces using Minimax with alpha-beta pruning algorithm shown in the above figure.

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The following animations show how the game tree is created when the computer thinks for the above turn. The row above the game board denotes the value of the utility function and it’s color-coded: when the value of the corresponding state is +1 (in favor of the Max player) it’s colored as green, when the value is -1 (in favor of the Min player) it’s colored as red, otherwise it’s colored gray if the value is 0.

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Notice the game tree is full-grown to the terminal leaves. The following figure shows a path (colored in blue) in the game tree that leads to a decision taken by the computer to choose the position of O.

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Now let’s consider the next sequence of actions by the human player and the computer. As can be seen, the computer again finds the optimal position.

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The following animation shows how the game tree is created when the computer thinks for the above turn.

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The following figure shows a path (colored in blue) in the game tree that leads to a decision taken by the computer to choose the position of O (note that the optimal path corresponds to a tie in a terminal node).

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Finally, let’s consider the next sequence of actions by the human player and the computer. As can be seen, the computer again finds the optimal position.

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The following animations show how the game tree is created when the computer thinks for the above turn.

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The next figure shows the path (colored in blue) in the game tree that leads to a decision taken by the computer to choose the position of O (note that the optimal path corresponds to a tie in a terminal node).

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Now let’s consider another example game. The following sequence of actions by the computer player (AI agent now plays as X, the Max player) and the human player (plays as O, the Min player) shows what the computer thinks to come up with optimal position of O and the game tree it produces using Minimax with alpha-beta pruning algorithm.

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The following animations show how the game tree is created when the computer thinks for the above turn.

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The next figure shows the path (colored in blue) in the game tree that leads to a decision taken by the computer to choose the next position of X (note that the optimal path corresponds to a win in a terminal node).

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Note from the above tree that no matter what action the human player chooses next, AI agent (the computer) can always win the game. An example final outcome of the game be seen from the next game tree.

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Write a program to solve logic puzzles.

In 1978, logician Raymond Smullyan published “What is the name of this book?”, a book of logical puzzles. Among the puzzles in the book were a class of puzzles that Smullyan called “Knights and Knaves” puzzles.

  • In a Knights and Knaves puzzle, the following information is given: Each character is either a knight or a knave.
  • A knight will always tell the truth: if knight states a sentence, then that sentence is true.
  • Conversely, a knave will always lie: if a knave states a sentence, then that sentence is false.
  • The objective of the puzzle is, given a set of sentences spoken by each of the characters, determine, for each character, whether that character is a knight or a knave.

The task in this problem is to determine how to represent these puzzles using propositional logic, such that an AI running a model-checking algorithm could solve these puzzles.


  1. Contains a single character: A.
    - A says “I am both a knight and a knave.”
  2. Has two characters: A and B.
    - A says “We are both knaves.”
    - B says nothing.
  3. Has two characters: A and B.
    - A says “We are the same kind.”
    - B says “We are of different kinds.”
  4. Has three characters: A, B, and C.
    - A says either “I am a knight.” or “I am a knave.”, but you don’t know which.
    - B says “A said ‘I am a knave.’”
    - B then says “C is a knave.”
    - C says “A is a knight.”
  • In this problem, we shall use model checking to find the solutions to the above puzzles. The following figure shows the theory that are relevant.
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Image created from the lecture notes from this course
  • The following python code snippet shows the base class corresponding to a propositional logic sentence (taken from the code provided for the assignment).
import itertoolsclass Sentence():    def evaluate(self, model):
"""Evaluates the logical sentence."""
raise Exception("nothing to evaluate") def formula(self):
"""Returns string formula representing logical sentence."""
return "" def symbols(self):
"""Returns a set of all symbols in the logical sentence."""
return set() @classmethod
def validate(cls, sentence):
if not isinstance(sentence, Sentence):
raise TypeError("must be a logical sentence")
  • Now, a propositional symbol and an operator (unary / binary) can inherit this class and implement the methods specific to the symbol as shown for the boolean operator AND (the code taken from the resources provided for the assignment).
class And(Sentence):
def __init__(self, *conjuncts):
for conjunct in conjuncts:
self.conjuncts = list(conjuncts) def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, And) and \
self.conjuncts == other.conjuncts def __hash__(self):
return hash(
("and", tuple(hash(conjunct) for conjunct in
) def __repr__(self):
conjunctions = ", ".join(
[str(conjunct) for conjunct in self.conjuncts]
return f"And({conjunctions})" def add(self, conjunct):
self.conjuncts.append(conjunct) def evaluate(self, model):
return all(conjunct.evaluate(model) for conjunct in
self.conjuncts) def formula(self):
if len(self.conjuncts) == 1:
return self.conjuncts[0].formula()
return " ∧ ".join([Sentence.parenthesize(conjunct.formula())
for conjunct in self.conjuncts]) def symbols(self):
return set.union(*[conjunct.symbols() \
for conjunct in self.conjuncts])
  • Finally, we need to represent the KB for every puzzle, as the one shown in the code below:
AKnight = Symbol("A is a Knight")
AKnave = Symbol("A is a Knave")BKnight = Symbol("B is a Knight")
BKnave = Symbol("B is a Knave")CKnight = Symbol("C is a Knight")
CKnave = Symbol("C is a Knave")# Puzzle 1
# A says "I am both a knight and a knave."
knowledge1 = And(
Or(And(AKnight, Not(AKnave)), And(Not(AKnight), AKnave)),
Implication(AKnight, And(AKnight, AKnave)),
Implication(AKnave, Not(And(AKnight, AKnave)))

The following section demonstrates the outputs obtained with model checking implemented using the above code (by iteratively assigning all possible models / truth values and checking if the KB corresponding to a puzzle evaluates to true for a model, and then outputting all the models for which the KB evaluates to true). To start solving a puzzle we must define the KB for the puzzle as shown above.

  • The following figure shows the KB (presented in terms of a propositional logic sentence and) shown as an expression tree for the Puzzle 1
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  • The following animation shows how model-checking solves Puzzle 1 (the solution is marked in green).
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  • The following figure shows the KB in terms of an expression tree for the Puzzle 2
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  • The following animation shows how model-checking solves Puzzle 2 (the solution is marked in green).
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  • The following figure shows the KB in terms of an expression tree for the Puzzle 3
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  • The following animation shows how model-checking solves Puzzle 3 (the solution is marked in green).
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  • The following figure shows the KB in terms of an expression tree for the Puzzle 4
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  • The following animation shows how model-checking solves Puzzle 4 (the solution is marked in green).
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Write an AI agent to play Minesweeper.

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Image taken from here
  • Minesweeper is a puzzle game that consists of a grid of cells, where some of the cells contain hidden “mines.”
  • Clicking on a cell that contains a mine detonates the mine, and causes the user to lose the game.
  • Clicking on a “safe” cell (i.e., a cell that does not contain a mine) reveals a number that indicates how many neighboring cells — where a neighbor is a cell that is one square to the left, right, up, down, or diagonal from the given cell — contain a mine.
  • The following figure shows an example Minesweeper game. In this 3 X 3 Minesweeper game, for example, the three 1 values indicate that each of those cells has one neighboring cell that is a mine. The four 0 values indicate that each of those cells has no neighboring mine.
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Image taken from here
  • Given this information, a logical player could conclude that there must be a mine in the lower-right cell and that there is no mine in the upper-left cell, for only in that case would the numerical labels on each of the other cells be accurate.
  • The goal of the game is to flag (i.e., identify) each of the mines.
  • In many implementations of the game, the player can flag a mine by right-clicking on a cell (or two-finger clicking, depending on the computer).

Propositional Logic

  • Your goal in this project will be to build an AI that can play Minesweeper. Recall that knowledge-based agents make decisions by considering their knowledge base, and making inferences based on that knowledge.
  • One way we could represent an AI’s knowledge about a Minesweeper game is by making each cell a propositional variable that is true if the cell contains a mine, and false otherwise.
  • What information does the AI agent have access to? Well, the AI would know every time a safe cell is clicked on and would get to see the number for that cell.
  • Consider the following Minesweeper board, where the middle cell has been revealed, and the other cells have been labeled with an identifying letter for the sake of discussion.
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Image taken from here
  • What information do we have now? It appears we now know that one of the eight neighboring cells is a mine. Therefore, we could write a logical expression like the following one to indicate that one of the neighboring cells is a mine: Or(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)
  • But we actually know more than what this expression says. The above logical sentence expresses the idea that at least one of those eight variables is true. But we can make a stronger statement than that: we know that exactly one of the eight variables is true. This gives us a propositional logic sentence like the below.
And(A, Not(B), Not(C), Not(D), Not(E), Not(F), Not(G), Not(H)),
And(Not(A), B, Not(C), Not(D), Not(E), Not(F), Not(G), Not(H)),
And(Not(A), Not(B), C, Not(D), Not(E), Not(F), Not(G), Not(H)),
And(Not(A), Not(B), Not(C), D, Not(E), Not(F), Not(G), Not(H)),
And(Not(A), Not(B), Not(C), Not(D), E, Not(F), Not(G), Not(H)),
And(Not(A), Not(B), Not(C), Not(D), Not(E), F, Not(G), Not(H)),
And(Not(A), Not(B), Not(C), Not(D), Not(E), Not(F), G, Not(H)),
And(Not(A), Not(B), Not(C), Not(D), Not(E), Not(F), Not(G), H)
  • That’s quite a complicated expression! And that’s just to express what it means for a cell to have a 1 in it. If a cell has a 2 or 3 or some other value, the expression could be even longer.
  • Trying to perform model checking on this type of problem, too, would quickly become intractable: on an 8 X 8 grid, the size Microsoft uses for its Beginner level, we’d have 64 variables, and therefore 2⁶⁴ possible models to check — far too many for a computer to compute in any reasonable amount of time. We need a better representation of knowledge for this problem.

Knowledge Representation

  • Instead, we’ll represent each sentence of our AI’s knowledge like the below. {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H} = 1
  • Every logical sentence in this representation has two parts: a set of cells on the board that are involved in the sentence, and a number count , representing the count of how many of those cells are mines. The above logical sentence says that out of cells A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, exactly 1 of them is a mine.
  • Why is this a useful representation? In part, it lends itself well to certain types of inference. Consider the game below:
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Image taken from here
  • Using the knowledge from the lower-left number, we could construct the sentence {D, E, G} = 0 to mean that out of cells D, E, and G, exactly 0 of them are mines.
  • Intuitively, we can infer from that sentence that all of the cells must be safe. By extension, any time we have a sentence whose count is 0 , we know that all of that sentence’s cells must be safe.
  • Similarly, consider the game below.
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Image taken from here
  • Our AI agent would construct the sentence {E, F, H} = 3 . Intuitively, we can infer that all of E, F, and H are mines.
  • More generally, any time the number of cells is equal to the count , we know that all of that sentence’s cells must be mines.
  • In general, we’ll only want our sentences to be about cells that are not yet known to be either safe or mines. This means that, once we know whether a cell is a mine or not, we can update our sentences to simplify them and potentially draw new conclusions.
  • For example, if our AI agent knew the sentence {A, B, C} = 2 , we don’t yet have enough information to conclude anything. But if we were told that C were safe, we could remove C from the sentence altogether, leaving us with the sentence {A, B} = 2 (which, incidentally, does let us draw some new conclusions.)
  • Likewise, if our AI agent knew the sentence {A, B, C} = 2 , and we were told that C is a mine, we could remove C from the sentence and decrease the value of count (since C was a mine that contributed to that count), giving us the sentence {A, B} = 1 . This is logical: if two out of A, B, and C are mines, and we know that C is a mine, then it must be the case that out of A and B, exactly one of them is a mine.
  • If we’re being even more clever, there’s one final type of inference we can do
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Image taken from here
  • Consider just the two sentences our AI agent would know based on the top middle cell and the bottom middle cell. From the top middle cell, we have {A, B, C} = 1 . From the bottom middle cell, we have {A, B, C, D, E} = 2 . Logically, we could then infer a new piece of knowledge, that {D, E} = 1 . After all, if two of A, B, C, D, and E are mines, and only one of A, B, and C are mines, then it stands to reason that exactly one of D and E must be the other mine.
  • More generally, any time we have two sentences set1 = count1 and set2 = count2 where set1 is a subset of set2 , then we can construct the new sentence set2 — set1 = count2 — count1 . Consider the example above to ensure you understand why that’s true.
  • So using this method of representing knowledge, we can write an AI agent that can gather knowledge about the Minesweeper board, and hopefully select cells it knows to be safe!
  • The following figure shows examples of inference rules and resolution by inference relevant for this problem:
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Image created from the lecture notes from this course

A few implementation tips

  • Represent a logical sentence by a python class Sentence again.
  • Each sentence has a set of cells within it and a count of how many of those cells are mines.
  • Let the class also contain functions known_mines and known_safes for determining if any of the cells in the sentence are known to be mines or known to be safe.
  • It should also have member functions mark_mine() and mark_safe() to update a sentence in response to new information about a cell.
  • Each cell is a pair (i, j) where i is the row number (ranging from 0 to height — 1 ) and j is the column number (ranging from 0 to width — 1 ).
  • Implement a known_mines() method that should return a set of all of the cells in self.cells that are known to be mines.
  • Implement a known_safes() method that should return a set of all the cells in self.cells that are known to be safe.
  • Implement a mark_mine() method that should first check if cell is one of the cells included in the sentence. If cell is in the sentence, the function should update the sentence so that cell is no longer in the sentence, but still represents a logically correct sentence given that cell is known to be a mine.
  • Likewise mark_safe() method should first check if cell is one of the cells included in the sentence. If yes, then it should update the sentence so that cell is no longer in the sentence, but still represents a logically correct sentence given that cell is known to be safe.
  • Implement a method add_knowledge() that should accept a cell and
  • The function should mark the cell as one of the moves made in the game.
  • The function should mark the cell as a safe cell, updating any sentences that contain the cell as well.
  • The function should add a new sentence to the AI’s knowledge base, based on the value of cell and count , to indicate that count of the cell ’s neighbors are mines. Be sure to only include cells whose state is still undetermined in the sentence.
  • If, based on any of the sentences in self.knowledge , new cells can be marked as safe or as mines, then the function should do so.
  • If, based on any of the sentences in self.knowledge , new sentences can be inferred , then those sentences should be added to the knowledge base as well.
  • Implement a method make_safe_move() that should return a move (i, j) that is known to be safe.
  • The move returned must be known to be safe, and not a move already made.
  • If no safe move can be guaranteed, the function should return None .
  • Implement a method make_random_move() that should return a random move (i, j) .
  • This function will be called if a safe move is not possible: if the AI agent doesn’t know where to move, it will choose to move randomly instead.
  • The move must not be a move that has already been made.
  • he move must not be a move that is known to be a mine.
  • If no such moves are possible, the function should return None .

The following python code snippet shows implementation of few of the above functions:

class MinesweeperAI():
Minesweeper game player
""" def mark_mine(self, cell):
Marks a cell as a mine, and updates all knowledge
to mark that cell as a mine as well.
for sentence in self.knowledge:
sentence.mark_mine(cell) # ensure that no duplicate sentences are added
def knowledge_contains(self, sentence):
for s in self.knowledge:
if s == sentence:
return True
return False def add_knowledge(self, cell, count):
Called when the Minesweeper board tells us, for a given
safe cell, how many neighboring cells have mines in them. This function should:
1) mark the cell as a move that has been made
2) mark the cell as safe
3) add a new sentence to the AI's knowledge base
based on the value of `cell` and `count`
4) mark any additional cells as safe or as mines
if it can be concluded based on the AI's KB
5) add any new sentences to the AI's knowledge base
if they can be inferred from existing knowledge
# mark the cell as a move that has been made
# mark the cell as safe
# add a new sentence to the AI's knowledge base,
# based on the value of `cell` and `count
i, j = cell
cells = []
for row in range(max(i-1,0), min(i+2,self.height)):
for col in range(max(j-1,0), min(j+2,self.width)):
# if some mines in the neighbors are already known,
# make sure to decrement the count
if (row, col) in self.mines:
count -= 1
if (not (row, col) in self.safes) and \
(not (row, col) in self.mines):
cells.append((row, col))
sentence = Sentence(cells, count)
# add few more inference rules here

def make_safe_move(self):
Returns a safe cell to choose on the Minesweeper board.
The move must be known to be safe, and not already a move
that has been made.
This function may use the knowledge in self.mines,
self.safes and self.moves_made, but should not modify any of
those values.
safe_moves = self.safes - self.moves_made
if len(safe_moves) > 0:
return safe_moves.pop()
return None

The following animations show how the Minesweeper AI agent updates safe / mine cells and updates its knowledge-base, for a few example games (the light green and red cells represent known safe and mine cells, respectively, in the 2nd subplot):

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Write an AI agent to rank web pages by importance.

  • When search engines like Google display search results, they do so by placing more “important” and higher-quality pages higher in the search results than less important pages. But how does the search engine know which pages are more important than other pages?
  • One heuristic might be that an “important” page is one that many other pages link to, since it’s reasonable to imagine that more sites will link to a higher-quality webpage than a lower-quality webpage.
  • We could therefore imagine a system where each page is given a rank according to the number of incoming links it has from other pages, and higher ranks would signal higher importance.
  • But this definition isn’t perfect: if someone wants to make their page seem more important, then under this system, they could simply create many other pages that link to their desired page to arti􀃥cially in􀃦ate its rank.
  • For that reason, the PageRank algorithm was created by Google’s co-founders (including Larry Page, for whom the algorithm was named).
  • In PageRank’s algorithm, a website is more important if it is linked to by other important websites, and links from less important websites have their links weighted less.
  • This definition seems a bit circular, but it turns out that there are multiple strategies for calculating these rankings.

Random Surfer Model

One way to think about PageRank is with the random surfer model, which considers the behavior of a hypothetical surfer on the internet who clicks on links at random.

  • The random surfer model imagines a surfer who starts with a web page at random, and then randomly chooses links to follow.
  • A page’s PageRank, then, can be described as the probability that a random surfer is on that page at any given time. After all, if there are more links to a particular page, then it’s more likely that a random surfer will end up on that page.
  • Moreover, a link from a more important site is more likely to be clicked on than a link from a less important site that fewer pages link to, so this model handles weighting links by their importance as well.
  • One way to interpret this model is as a Markov Chain, where each page represents a state, and each page has a transition model that chooses among its links at random. At each time step, the state switches to one of the pages linked to by the current state.
  • By sampling states randomly from the Markov Chain, we can get an estimate for each page’s PageRank. We can start by choosing a page at random, then keep following links at random, keeping track of how many times we’ve visited each page.
  • After we’ve gathered all of our samples (based on a number we choose in advance), the proportion of the time we were on each page might be an estimate for that page’s rank.
  • To ensure we can always get to somewhere else in the corpus of web pages, we’ll introduce to our model a damping factor d .
  • With probability d (where d is usually set around 0.85 ), the random surfer will choose from one of the links on the current page at random. But otherwise (with probability 1 — d ), the random surfer chooses one out of all of the pages in the corpus at random (including the one they are currently on).
  • Our random surfer now starts by choosing a page at random, and then, for each additional sample we’d like to generate, chooses a link from the current page at random with probability d , and chooses any page at random with probability 1 — d .
  • If we keep track of how many times each page has shown up as a sample, we can treat the proportion of states that were on a given page as its PageRank.

Iterative Algorithm

  • We can also define a page’s PageRank using a recursive mathematical expression. Let PR(p) be the PageRank of a given page p : the probability that a random surfer ends up on that page.
  • How do we define PR(p)? Well, we know there are two ways that a random surfer could end up on the page: 1. With probability 1 — d , the surfer chose a page at random and ended up on page p . 2. With probability d , the surfer followed a link from a page i to page p .
  • The first condition is fairly straightforward to express mathematically: it’s 1 — d divided by N , where N is the total number of pages across the entire corpus. This is because the 1 — d probability of choosing a page at random is split evenly among all N possible pages.
  • For the second condition, we need to consider each possible page i that links to page p . For each of those incoming pages, let NumLinks(i) be the number of links on page i .
  • Each page i that links to p has its own PageRank, PR(i) , representing the probability that we are on page i at any given time.
  • And since from page i we travel to any of that page’s links with equal probability, we divide PR(i) by the number of links NumLinks(i) to get the probability that we were on page i and chose the link to page p.
  • This gives us the following definition for the PageRank for a page p .
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Image taken from here
  • In this formula, d is the damping factor, N is the total number of pages in the corpus, i ranges over all pages that link to page p , and NumLinks(i) is the number of links present on page i .
  • How would we go about calculating PageRank values for each page, then? We can do so via iteration: start by assuming the PageRank of every page is 1 / N (i.e., equally likely to be on any page).
  • Then, use the above formula to calculate new PageRank values for each page, based on the previous PageRank values.
  • If we keep repeating this process, calculating a new set of PageRank values for each page based on the previous set of PageRank values, eventually the PageRank values will converge (i.e., not change by more than a small threshold with each iteration).
  • Now, let’s implement both such approaches for calculating PageRank — calculating both by sampling pages from a Markov Chain random surfer and by iteratively applying the PageRank formula.

The following python code snippet represents the implementation of PageRank computation with Monte-Carlo sampling.

def sample_pagerank(corpus, damping_factor, n):
Return PageRank values for each page by sampling `n` pages
according to transition model, starting with a page at random. Return a dictionary where keys are page names, and values are
their estimated PageRank value (a value between 0 and 1). All
PageRank values should sum to 1.
pages = [page for page in corpus]
pageranks = {page:0 for page in pages}
page = random.choice(pages)
pageranks[page] = 1
for i in range(n):
probs = transition_model(corpus, page, damping_factor)
probs = probs.values() #[probs[p] for p in pages]
page = random.choices(pages, weights=probs, k=1)[0]
pageranks[page] += 1
return {page:pageranks[page]/n for page in pageranks}

The following animation shows how PageRank changes with sampling-based implementation.

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Again, the following python code snippet represents the iterative PageRank implementation.

def iterate_pagerank(corpus, damping_factor):
Return PageRank values for each page by iteratively updating
PageRank values until convergence. Return a dictionary where keys are page names, and values are
their estimated PageRank value (a value between 0 and 1). All
PageRank values should sum to 1.
incoming = {p:set() for p in corpus}
for p in corpus:
for q in corpus[p]:
pages = [page for page in corpus]
n = len(pages)
pageranks = {page:1/n for page in pages}
diff = float('inf')
while diff > 0.001:
diff = 0
for page in pages:
p = (1-damping_factor)/n
for q in incoming[page]:
p += damping_factor * \
(sum([pageranks[q]/len(corpus[q])]) \
if len(corpus[q]) > 0 else 1/n)
diff = max(diff, abs(pageranks[page]-p))
pageranks[page] = p
return {p:pageranks[p]/sum(pageranks.values())
for p in pageranks}

The following animation shows how the iterative PageRank formula is computed for a sample very small web graph:

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Artificial Intelligence is a vast area of research and it contains many different sub-areas those themselves are huge. In this blog, we discussed some problems from Search, Knowledge (Logic) and Uncertainty aspects of AI. We discussed how to implement AI agents for an adversarial search game (tic-tac-toe) and a logic-based game (minesweeper). In the next part of this blog we shall discuss on some more problems on AI from a few more areas of AI research.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK