Apple Says Some iPhone 11 Units Sport a Bad Screen, Launches Free Repair Program

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/apple-says-some-iphone-11-units-sport-a-bad-screen-launches-free-repair-program-531701.shtml
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Only the iPhone 11 is impacted, Apple says

   iPhone 11 is the only affected model

Apple has recently acknowledged a display issue on the iPhone 11, and the company has launched a free repair program for the impacted devices.

While the company hasn’t shared too many specifics on what exactly is happening on the affected units, Apple explains some iPhone 11 units come with a bad display module causing the device to stop responding to touch.

Only the iPhone 11 is affected, it seems, so the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max are both on the safe side.

The Cupertino-based tech giant has also launched a dedicated page where customers can just provide the serial number one their iPhones to find out if these devices are impacted by the display module issue or not. If it is, customers can send in the iPhone for repairs, and the servicing is provided free of charge as part of the program.

Free repairs

“Apple has determined that a small percentage of iPhone 11 displays may stop responding to touch due to an issue with the display module. Affected devices were manufactured between November 2019 and May 2020,” the company explains on its website.

“If your iPhone 11 has been exhibiting this issue, please use the serial number checker below to see if your device is eligible for this program. If so, Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider will provide service, free of charge.”

Worth knowing is that the repairs are specifically aimed at the screen, and Apple warns that some costs might be involved if other issues need to be resolved before servicing the touch module.

“If your iPhone 11 has any damage which impairs the ability to complete the repair, such as a cracked screen, that issue will need to be resolved prior to the service. In some cases, there may be a cost associated with the additional repair,” the company says.

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