Samsung Galaxy Note21 Still in the Works, And It’ll Launch Earlier than Usual

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/samsung-galaxy-note21-still-in-the-works-and-it-ll-launch-earlier-than-usual-531704.shtml
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New source claims the Galaxy Note21 is a sure thing

   Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra

Rumor has it Samsung could kill off the Galaxy Note lineup rather sooner than later, but on the other hand, the most recent information in this regard suggests otherwise.

In other words, no, the Galaxy Note won’t go dark, or at least, this won’t happen overnight. So what is all but confirmed right now is a Note21 is still coming, as Samsung doesn’t want to ditch this product so fast.

While the company has remained tight-lipped on its Note plans, a new leak indicates the Galaxy Note21 is already in the works, and what’s more, it’s actually coming earlier than anticipated.

Twitter user @chuvn8888 claims the Samsung not only that is still committed to the Note lineup but it also wants to bring the device to the market in June or July, as compared to August or September for the previous models.

Unsurprisingly, this is a strategy Samsung also wants to use for the Galaxy S21, as people familiar with the matter revealed the company aims to release the upcoming high-end smartphones in January, as compared to the typical February release used in the past.

The end of the Note series

A leak revealed the launch of the Galaxy S21 could happen in mid-January, while the actual sales would kick off later the same month.

But why is Samsung considering a potential demise of the Note series?

Given the Note and the Galaxy S already share most of the hardware, Samsung wants to bring S Pen support to the S lineup too. This migration is projected to happen as soon as the next year, with the S21 Ultra to work with a stylus from the very beginning.

However, the Galaxy S21 Ultra won’t come with a dedicated slot to carry the S Pen around, though this could change on the next generations when Samsung is ready to kill off the Note series once and for all.

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