Software development magazine: software testing, project management, Agile, Scru...

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software testing, project management, Agile, Scrum, DevOps, programming, requirements

Methods & Tools is a free software development magazine on Software Project Management, Software Testing, Agile,
Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Requirements, UML, Business Analysis, Programming, Databases, User Experience (UX),
DevOps, Open Source Tools (Java, JavaScript, C#, .NET, PHP), Software Architecture, Mobile Apps, IoT, Blockchains
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Last Software Development Articles Published by Methods & Tools

* Cerberus Testing - The Open Source Test Automation Framework
Cerberus Testing is an open source low-code test automation platform that supports testing Web, iOS, Android and API (REST, SOAP and Kafka) applications. The platform allows the creation of automated test cases through an easy to use web interface without any need for development skills. Thus automated tests implementation and management now becomes available for all elements of the development, quality and business teams.

* Team Health
Joining a new team or becoming a new manager is daunting and stressful. We often prioritise the one thing that seems to be the easiest to measure: Productivity. If we want to establish a sustainably high performing team, we need however to think about the health of it first. And even when we know what things to look out for, we have to find a way to influence change. We could be direct and set up new processes and rules. But to ensure long-term impact, we have to focus on mentoring and coaching others so the behaviour changes from within. Influencing a group might feel more intimidating than working with a single person, but it follows the same basic rules.

* Scrum with Kanban: How to Improve Your Sprints
Scrum and Kanban are not rivals. If your Scrum Sprints are getting bogged down or missing the mark, combining Scrum with Kanban might be the Agile answer. This article provides a comprehensive explanation of how Kanban can improve your Scrum process with Kanban Task Boards, Team Boards, and a better focus on customer needs.

* Functional Architecture For IoT Platforms
This article presents an IoT platform functional architecture and provides definitions for each category and microservice. While each IoT deployment is unique, MachNation has attempted to create an architecture and definitions that capture the most common and relevant IoT platform functionality.

* 5 Major Problems With Synchronous Code Reviews
In programming, a synchronous code review is performed together in front of the coder screen after the coder finished coding. In contrast, the asynchronous review is done by the reviewer on his own screen, on his own schedule. The reviewer uses some tools to write comments, that are then forwarded to the coder to improve the code. This article presents five issues with synchronous code reviews.

* Risk First - Coding Bets
You are making a coding bet any time you start coding a new feature, accept a new task, or go hunting for a bug on a software development project. This article looks at just three different types of coding you can do (there are probably lots of others), examining the nature of the stakes and the rewards for each type of bet. Then, it discusses how this insight might inform the development process.

* SO Planning – Open Source Visual Project Management Software
SO Planning (Simple Online Planning) is a free web-based open source project management tools that aims to provide the basic functionalities of project planning: defining projects, people, resources, tasks and using all these to create a project plan. It provides a visual timeline that allows managing resources involved in multiple projects, making it easier with color codes.

* JetUML – a Simple Open Source UML Diagramming Tool
JetUML is a simple desktop open source Unified Modeling Language (UML) tool UML diagramming. The concept of JetUML is to provide the basic support for sketching software design ideas. JetUML currently supports the following UML diagrams: class diagrams, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, object diagrams and use case diagrams. Diagrams can be exported to image file format, and copied to the system clipboard for integration with other tools like word processing software for documentation.

* Linx - Build & Host Backend Applications in Low Code
Linx enables the rapid development and deployment of backend software applications like APIs, integrations and automations. Developers design and debug solutions in a familiar procedural style using a drag and drop interface with access to 1000s of ready made functions. Solutions are deployed with one click to servers running in the cloud or on-premise.

* Parallel Testing With the TestNG Java Test Framework
Parallel testing execution is a concept that has a huge importance in the world of automation testing. Any kind of work that we do in parallel always saves time. Similarly, in end-to-end testing of an application, running tests in parallel instead of running sequentially saves test execution time which can further save time in the remaining software testing phases and application delivery activities.

* So You Want to Automate? Becoming A Software Tester
This article discusses myths about becoming a software tester and "Automation Engineer". Its goal is not to discourage you, my dear reader, from beginning your software testing journey. What you have to make sure is that you have as much information as possible to make a conscious decision. First, we will discuss just software testing. Next, we will talk about test automation. The last part of the article will share some tips on how to start your software tester training.

* How To Choose Between Microservices and Serverless Architectures
Agile software development and continuous delivery are changing the view of organizations on their software architecture and its evolution. Two current architecture trends, Microservices and Serverless, try to answer these challenges. This article aims to answer the questions you might have about their benefits and disadvantages and to help you to make the right choice for your software architecture future.

* Helping Software Development with a Product Discovery Phase
In the software development, it is common that clients approach development agencies like ours with a product they want to create. However, sometimes these ideas involve a huge product or sometimes a smaller one, but it still has some undefined aspects; for example uncertainties about its potential users, its functionalities, monetization strategy, etc. which can make the estimation process difficult. This article explains what the Product Discovery process is all about and why it is essential for a successful software development project.

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