GitHub - picosh/pico: hacker labs

 2 months ago
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picosh/pico: hacker labs

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pico services

Read our docs at pico.sh.


  • golang >= 1.22.0
  • direnv to load environment vars
cp ./.env.example .env

Initialize local env variables using direnv

echo dotenv > .envrc && direnv allow

Boot up database

docker compose up -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml --profile db -d

Create db and migrate

make create
make migrate

Build services

make build

All services are built inside the ./build folder.

If you want to start prose execute these binaries from the project root directory:

# in a separate terminal


We use an image based deployment, so all of our images are uploaded to ghcr.io/picosh/pico

DOCKER_TAG=latest make bp-all

Once images are built, docker compose is used to stand up the services:

docker compose up -d

This makes use of a production .env.prod environment file which defines the various listening addresses and services that will be started. For production, we add a .envrc containing the following:

export COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.prod.yml
export COMPOSE_PROFILES=services,caddy

And symlink .env to .env.prod:

ln -s .env.prod .env

This allows us to use docker-compose normally as we would in development.

For any migrations, logging into the our database server, pulling the changes to migrations and running make latest is all that is needed.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK