Announcement: New integration platform in SAP Busi... - SAP Community

 2 months ago
source link: https://community.sap.com/t5/supply-chain-management-blogs-by-sap/announcement-new-integration-platform-in-sap-business-network-for-logistics/ba-p/13672379
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SAP Business Network for Logistics (SAP BN4L) is run on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) leveraging the various services provided by the platform. SAP BTP offers a variety of application environments that customers and internal SAP organisations can choose from, to build SAP applications and business solutions in the cloud. One critical service used by SAP BN4L is the SAP Cloud Integration (previously known as SAP CPI) which acts as the single integration platform for all customers and partners for SAP BN4L. This is owned and maintained by SAP BN4L development team and enables customers and partners to maintain necessary connectivity configurations using applications such as ‘System Connections’, ‘Configure Partner Connections’, etc. Customers can also monitor the messages relevant to them via ‘Manage Integration Logs’.

SAP Cloud Integration used by SAP BN4L is hosted in Neo environment of SAP BTP. SAP BTP Neo environment is the oldest of the application environments and is built on a proprietary SAP technology stack. The Neo environment in SAP BTP has been deprecated and will be sunset on December 31, 2025 for internal SaaS applications (see SAP Note). SAP Cloud Integration is also offered in a multi-cloud foundation in SAP BTP and this is the new platform that will be used by SAP BN4L.

This means that your existing connections from your backend Transportation Management Systems will be invalid post sunset (31 December 2025) and you need to migrate your connections to the new integration platform. This is true for both premium customers of SAP BN4L connecting to SAP S/4HANA using SOAP messages. As well as freemium customers connecting to SAP BN4L using standard APIs and EDI connectivity. This would mean configuration changes in your backend TMS system as well as in configuration applications in SAP BN4L. These new changes will be made available in SAP BN4L as part of the upcoming monthly releases. As of June 22, 2024, any new connections will be created in a premium tenant's System Connections app will be in the new integration platform. Detailed migration guide targeting the customers of SAP BN4L will be published in the upcoming releases.

Please note that for SAP BN4L Global Track and Trace (GTT) customers connecting to SAP BN4L from SAP backend systems using IDOC, there's no impact as they're connecting directly to their sub-accounts.

Feature Parity

As an end customer of SAP BN4L, you would get all the connectivity features as before when migrating to new integration platform. The high availability of SAP BTP multi-cloud environment should provide a better resilient platform the customers. Added to the existing features, customers migrating to the new platform will benefit from new features in the roadmap such as automatic provisioning of credentials and SFTP schedulers for freemium customers, enhanced monitoring and automatic reprocessing of integration logs, etc.

Once the migration is enabled in SAP BN4L, any new connection created in System Connections app (for premium customers – shipper, solution owner, etc.) will refer to a connection in the new integration platform. Your existing connections will refer to the old integration platform and will be highlighted to differentiate from the new ones. You should be able to edit the existing connections and continue using them until the sunset of integration platform. However, you won’t be able to create any new connections that refer to the old integration platform.

A new column in monitoring application – ‘Manage Integration Logs’ will mention the integration platform that was used for the message log.

Migration Strategy for Customers and Partners

We understand the critical role that connectivity plays in SAP Business Network for Logistics. The primary focus is not to disrupt the existing integrations between your backend systems and SAP BN4L. So, your existing configurations should stay intact and continue to work as long as the sunset. In the meanwhile, we have made it possible for you to migrate from the old platform to new using the configuration apps in SAP BN4L. This would mean some changes in SAP BN4L configuration apps as well as in your backend systems. You also need to update your firewall/SAP Cloud Connector configurations as the IP range would be different for the new integration platform. The detailed steps required to be made for SAP BN4L premium and freemium customers are captured in a migration guide.

Timeline and Support

The changes in configuration application that enables customers to migrate to new integration platform will be made available in Q2 for test and production tenants. This will be released with SAP BN4L May and June releases.

In case of any queries or clarifications, you can raise a support incident with SBN-LBN-INT with the subject line – [Queries on migration of integration platform].


You can refer the following documentation for more info related to SAP BTP Neo migration:

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