Microsoft and Ant Digital

 3 months ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/news/microsoft-ant-digital-hkma-wcbdc/
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Microsoft and Ant Digital Back HKMA’s wCBDC

Microsoft in collaboration with Ant Digital is set to play a pivotal role in Hong Kong Monetary Authority's (HKMA) wCBDC (wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency) project.

Microsoft and Ant Digital Back HKMA's wCBDC

Global tech juggernaut Microsoft has shown interest in supporting the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s (HKMA) wCBDC (wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency) project. 

Ant Digital — an integrated digital marketing firm — is also collaborating with Microsoft to position Hong Kong as a top hub for digital finance innovation. This collaboration will help to explore tokenized transactions while creating an ecosystem for central bank digital currency settlement.

Microsoft Sets To Play Pivotal Role In The wCBDC Project 

Following the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s (HKMA) announcement of “Project Ensemble,” Microsoft and Ant Digital have joined forces to bring the wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency (wCBDC) project to the limelight. Project Ensemble aims to back up the development of the tokenization market in Hong Kong.

The project will also explore innovative financial market infrastructure (FMI) to make it easier for banks to settle tokenized money transactions using wCBDC. Using wCBDC as a base, these tokenized deposits can then be utilized for transactions involving tokenized assets, opening up exciting new possibilities for streamlining and innovating in digital currency.

Microsoft’s and Ant Digital’s involvement in the project shows the tech space’s dedication to advancing and providing digital finance solutions. Ant Digital’s expertise in providing Web3 technical services will help simplify compliance procedures and reduce technical risks for developers.

HKMA CEO Eddie Yue Wai-man revealed that the involvement of these tech companies will position Hong Kong as a pioneer in handling digital deposits and assets, attracting top-tier investors and market participants.

Mr. Eddie Yue said; “Hong Kong has always championed innovation and international collaboration. Project Ensemble will provide fresh impetus to our vibrant financial industry.”

According to Eddie Yue, Hong Kong is known for its interest in blockchain technology, particularly Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), positioning the city as a leader in global financial advancements.



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