Algebraic Effects, Ownership, and Borrowing

 6 months ago
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Algebraic Effects are a useful abstraction for reasoning about effectful programs by letting us leave the interpretation of these effects to callers. However, most existing literature discusses these in the context of a pure functional language with pervasive sharing of values. What restrictions would we need to introduce algebraic effects into a language with ownership and borrowing - particularly Ante?1


Consider the following program:

effect Read a with
    read : Unit -> a

the_value (value: a) (f: Unit -> b can Read a) : b =
    handle f ()
    | read () -> resume value

This seems like it’d pass type checking at first glance, but we can easily construct a program that tries to use the same moved value twice:

foo () : Unit can Read String =
    s1 = read ()
    s2 = read ()

foo () with the_value "foo"

// The above is sugar for
// the_value "foo" (fn () -> foo ())

Since a handler’s body may be called multiple times, it may not move any value in its environment. This restriction is similar to moving values in a loop:

the_value (value: a) (f: Unit -> b can Read a) : b =
    handle f ()
    // Error: Handler body moves `value` which will still
    //         be needed if the handler is called again
    | read () -> resume value


Things get more complicated when we consider borrowing. Although Ante’s references do not have explicit lifetime variables, we still need to ensure their lifetime is sound.

Returning Owning References

Consider the following program:

bad () : Unit can Read (&own mut Box String) =
    s1 = read ()

    // Uh-oh, we've just obtained a second mutable owning reference to the same String
    s2 = read ()
    s2_inner_ref = as_ref s2

    // Drop the old Box referenced by s1 and s2
    s1 := Box.of "foo"

    // And now we're printing a dangling reference
    print s2_inner_ref

the_ref (ref: &own mut t) (f: Unit -> a can Read (&own mut t)) : a =
    handle f ()
    | read () -> resume ref

my_string = mut Box.of "bar"
bad () with the_ref &my_string

This breaks the aliasing restriction on &own mut in a way the compiler cannot verify with existing rules on tracking lifetimes.

The solution to this is that each function using the same Read (&own mut Box String) effect is considered to borrow from the same effect handler. Attempting to retrieve two owned, mutable references from the same handler then would be a lifetime error:

bad () : Unit can Read (&own mut Box String) =
    s1 = read ()

    // Error: Cannot create a new aliased reference with `s1` still in scope
    s2 = read ()

    print s1

Similarly, trying to obfuscate this by calling a function which indirectly returns another reference should also fail:

indirect () can Read (&own mut Box String) =
    read ()

foo () can Read (&own mut Box String) =
    r1 = read ()

    // Error: Cannot borrow from `Read` effect again with `r1` still in scope
    r2 = indirect ()

Owned Reference Parameters

Now let’s consider how we can break programs which pass references to effects. For this we’re going to use the Yield a effect which is used for creating generators or streams:

effect Yield a with
    yield: a -> Unit

foo () : Unit can Yield (&own mut I32) =
    vec = mut Vec.of [1, 2]
    yield (get_mut &vec 0)
    vec := Vec.of [3]
    yield (get_mut &vec 0)

bar () =
    x = mut None

    handle foo ()
    | yield y ->
        if Some x = x then
            // foo has cleared the underlying vec by this point,
            // so this would print a dangling reference!
            print x

        x := Some y
        resume ()

To prevent this we need to tie y to the variable that owns it - which is resume. This way we can still yield owned references if needed, but we cannot call resume until they are dropped.

Conceptually, we can think of a handle expression as receiving a single resume object which is then unpacked:

handle foo ()
| MyEffect a b ->

// Conceptually the same as:
handle foo ()
| MyEffect resume ->
    a = resume.a
    b = resume.b
    resume = resume.continuation


One core aspect of effects that we’ve glossed over so far is the resume function which resumes an effectful computation from the handler. Since resume refers to an in-progress computation, we need a way to safely encode this environment, yet we need to do so when defining the effect before the environment is known. What type should be given to resume?

Consider the following code:

effect Fork with
    fork: Unit -> Bool

foo () : Unit can Fork =
    message = "branch"

    if fork () then
        print "${message} A"
        drop message
        print "${message} B"

handle_fork (f: Unit -> a can Fork) : a =
    handle f ()
    | fork () ->
        // Run `resume` twice, arbitrarily returning the second result
        resume true
        resume false

handle_fork foo

After resuming from the fork the second time, we enter the false branch. When doing so, message has already been moved, so we’d be reading from an already-dropped value.

This is the problem the different closure types already solve. We just need some way to determine if resume should be a Fn, FnMut, or FnOnce since we cannot know this within the handler itself.

One possibility is to require this in the definition of Fork:

effect Fork with
    fork: Unit -> Bool

    // The underscores here are because we're omitting the closure environment
    // type as well as the actual function type - which is derived from fork's type.
    // Although the environment type can be specified if desired, the function type of resume
    // must be omitted because its return type will be the handler type, which is
    // not known at this point.
    fork.resume: FnMut _ _

Note that fork is still callable without restrictions. It is only resume that will be a FnMut when it is introduced.

Anyways, now we’d get an error when writing foo:

foo () : Unit can Fork =
    message = "branch"

    // Error: `fork` can be resumed multiple times, but `message` would
    //         possibly be moved after the first call to `resume`.
    if fork () then
        print "${message} A"
        // Note: `message` is moved here
        drop message
        print "${message} B"

Since this error would otherwise be much more common, resume is by default a FnOnce unless otherwise specified. This means when defining an effect we will need to think about what kinds of effect handlers we want to permit.

Also note that after removing drop, message will not be dropped at the end of foo. Instead, it is part of resume’s environment and will be dropped after the last use of resume in the effect handler.

Environment Type Quantification

Most effects which give an explicit type for resume will either omit the environment type, or specify it as a type variable quantified over the function:

effect Foo with
    foo: Unit -> Unit
    foo.resume: FnOnce env _

    // The above means:
    // foo.resume: forall env. FnOnce env _

This is generally desired since it allows the resume closure to be unboxed most of the time. However, what would happen if the user wrote the trait as the following:

effect Foo env with
    foo: Unit -> Unit
    foo.resume: FnOnce env _

Since each generic instance of a trait would be separate (e.g. Read I32 versus Read String), each use of this effect with a different environment would be a separate effect:

forced_example (x: &I32) =
    foo ()
    y = x
    foo ()
    print (x, y)

Above, forced_example would be inferred to have the effects Foo Env1 and Foo Env2 where Env1 and Env2 are both opaque types representing the environments. Since each of these would need to be handled by separate effect handlers, this technique could be used to limit an effect to being called at most once per handler. It remains to be seen how useful this would be however.

Restricting the environment type

If any capabilities are required on the resume closure, a given clause can be added. Since most traits on closures are defined as long as they’re defined on the closure environment, it is usually sufficient to require the trait on the closure environment alone:

effect FooCloneEnv with
    foo: Unit -> Unit
    foo.resume: FnOnce env _ given Clone env

Note that since resume is a continuation, this environment type includes any captured variables across other function calls as well. So the Clone constraint above would also apply to the vec variable below:

inner_fn () : Unit can FooCloneEnv =
    // x may be cloned
    x = 3
    foo ()
    print x

outer_fn () : Unit can FooCloneEnv =
    // vec may also be cloned
    vec = Vec.of [1, 2, 3]
    function2 ()
    print vec

Since environment types can grow quite large, it is generally recommended to avoid cloning resume. A more useful trait constraint on resume is covered in the next section.


Going back to the Fork example, what would happen if we tried to run each resumption in its own thread?

effect Fork with
    fork: Unit -> Bool

    // Changed to Fn so that we can alias this twice below
    fork.resume: Fn env _

multithread_fork (f: Unit -> a can Fork) : a =
    handle f ()
    | fork () ->
        // Spawn two threads and wait for them both to complete
        Thread.wait fn () ->
            // Error: Expected argument of `Thread.spawn` to be `Send`
            //        No impl found for `Send (Fn _ (Unit -> Bool))`
            Thread.spawn (fn () -> resume true)
            Thread.spawn (fn () -> resume false)

In order to spawn a new thread to call resume we’d need to require a reference to the closure environment is Send:

effect Fork with
    fork: Unit -> Bool
    foo.resume: Fn env _ given Send &env

multithread_fork (f: Unit -> a can Fork) : a =
    handle f ()
    | fork () ->
        Thread.wait fn () ->
            Thread.spawn (fn () -> resume true)
            Thread.spawn (fn () -> resume false)

Polymorphic Effects

Ante also enables functions to be polymorphic over their effects. For example, the map function has the type:

map: Stream a -> FnMut a => b can e -> Unit can Emit b, e

Now, recalling the FooCloneEnv example from earlier:

inner_fn () : Unit can FooCloneEnv =
    // x may be cloned
    x = 3
    foo ()
    print x

outer_fn () : Unit can FooCloneEnv =
    // vec may also be cloned
    vec = Vec.of [1, 2, 3]
    function2 ()
    print vec

This works fine, but how could we pass a function such as outer_fn to map? The effect variable e would be instantiated to FooCloneEnv but now we’d also need to know if the environment of map when it calls the passed-in function is clone-able. In the most general case, we’d need to be able to verify any trait from map and whether it can allow the function used to resume multiple times or not.

We’d have to add these constraints to the effect variables directly:

map: Stream a -> FnMut a => b can e -> Unit
    given Clone e, Send e, Fn e.resume _
    can Emit b, e

This is a big hit to the usability of effects in this scheme since these constraints would have to be manually specified on map for its contents to be checked. If not specified, a new version of map would have to be written with a Sendable environment or similar. This will inevitably lead to some duplication when using effects that algebraic effect handlers are usually meant to remove.

In a later article, we’ll focus on ways to simplify the usability of this scheme by providing sane defaults where possible.

Implementation Details and Boxing

So far, each of the rules covered above should apply to any language with effects, ownership, and borrowing. Different implementations of effects can have wildly different runtime costs however.

For example, most languages implementing the full spectrum of algebraic effects will keep track of the stack of effect handlers at runtime. When an effect call is made, a lookup needs to be performed then the code needs to jump to the relevant handler and back. This may be done by jumping up the call stack and copying stack frames or by converting effectful functions to continuation passing style (CPS) - like Ante does.

Languages without algebraic effects aren’t completely free from the costs of effects either though. Even if we restrict ourselves to just the async effect, we can see plenty of languages which include it - each with its own unique implementation and performance characteristics.

Consider Rust’s async effect which is implemented by compiling async functions to state machines. In this scheme, the following code is rejected:

async fn recursive() {

Because the resulting state machine would have infinite size:

enum Recursive {

To get around this, users need to box recursive functions:

use futures::future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt};

fn recursive() -> BoxFuture<'static, ()> {
    async move {

If we try to implement a similar example in future-Ante2:

effect Async with
    await: Unit -> Unit

recursive () : Unit can Await =
    // This doesn't quite match the semantics of the Rust example above,
    // but lets us use a simpler definition for `await`
    await ()
    recursive ()
    await ()
    recursive ()

handle recursive ()
| await f -> resume ()

The result would look quite different:

recursive () : Unit =
    recursive ()
    recursive ()

So theoretically no boxing is needed for recursion alone. The performance characteristics here look quite different - but that is because in Ante they’re largely determined by the handler that is used rather than the call site of the effect. If we use a different handler which does not resume in a tail position, boxing will be required. For example:

handle recursive ()
| await f ->
    resume (f ())
    print "done"

Compiles to3:

recursive k =
    recursive fn () ->
      recursive k
      print "done"
    print "done"

Here we can see the inner continuation captures the outer continuation k.

To give k a valid type, we’d need to box it to ensure it always has the same size for each recursive call. This is similar to what we’d need to do in the Rust example, but there are some unique problems with requiring users manually box these continuations in Ante:

  • The continuation is added by the compiler, so it isn’t clear to the user where they should add the boxing.
  • Whether boxing is required is dependent on the structure of the handler. We don’t want to always add boxing since tail-resume is the more common case.

We could try to get around this by marking whether a given effect must have a tail-resumptive handler or not, and requiring recursive functions using non-tail-resumptive handlers to box their continuations somehow. This would make effects much more cumbersome to use however, and one of Ante’s goals is to be a slightly higher level language than Rust. If effects are not simple to use then users will avoid them.

For these reasons, the current plan is for the compiler to automatically insert boxing of closures where appropriate and infer their lifetimes via lifetime inference. Lifetime inference is a very interesting topic to me - it was one of Ante’s original goals to experiment with it. When it works well it can be great since it can stack-allocate potentially even to prior stack frames. The downside is that the inferred lifetimes can be imprecise. Although, in this case, if lifetimes cannot be accurately inferred, we would still know their longest possible lifetime is that of the effect handler.4 This is a topic that deserves much more detail though so I’ll leave it to a future blog post. If you’re still curious, there are some papers on it reachable from the documentation link above.

  1. Note that ownership & borrowing are a recent addition to Ante and the changes in this article are not yet reflected in the documentation! ↩︎

  2. Getting the desired output here requires an optimization for resume in a tail position, which is not currently implemented. ↩︎

  3. This output has been heavily cleaned. ↩︎

  4. This is because effects are implemented via delimited continuations which are evaluated at compile-time. Ante takes this approach from Effekt and it is further detailed in Zero-cost Effect Handlers by Staging ↩︎

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