Rapidforms - Build online forms that convert and save you time and money | Produ...

 4 months ago
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Build online forms that convert and save you time and money

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👋 Hey all, happy to be here with you again.

Paying $25/mo and $50/mo is just doesn’t makes sense. People pay a lot of money to form builders, but the question why?

Because there’s no any alternative yet.

Put yourself in the place of the consumer, Will you be happy in this case? Of course not.

Let me tell you something, I actually tried many Form builders before. And I always wanted to build forms that match my website design in easy way, and with less cost.

But unfortunately, every time I end up using the API and code the form myself, and that takes time instead of focusing on what matters.

And the worst thing is that I have to pay monthly fees to get the necessary features with so many features I don’t need.

I was a consumer like you, and I saw the problems these builders have. That’s why I decided to work on https://rapidforms.co

RapidForms now is so much better than many old form builders today. We work every day to make it even much better.

My friend We just get started. Join us, and let make RapidForms great 🚀

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Joyk means Joy of geeK