Yuna AI - Your mental health companion | Product Hunt

 4 months ago
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Your mental health companion

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Hey Product Hunt Community,

I'm the founder of Yuna πŸ‘‹ Today's launch is very personal to me.

A few years ago, my world was turned upside down by a painful divorce and mental health struggles. Over the next 2 years, I went from the lowest point in my life to a happier, emotionally wiser, and more mentally healthy version of myself. Through this journey, I discovered the magic of getting good Therapy.

After going through my own journey, I was deeply saddened to see that many of the resources that were literally life-saving for me, were out of reach for so many around me. This has culminated in building Yuna.

Traditional counseling is an amazing resource, but there is a huge shortage of therapists that is growing quickly. Because of this, I have been working hard to solve a few issues we have seen in the current mental health industry:

πŸ’° Cost of therapy - Averaging $165 per session, most people simply cannot afford traditional therapy. By leveraging technology, we are providing resources to those who would otherwise be left with nothing. need in the exact moment.

⏰ Time Accessibility - Getting professional support is daunting, and it often takes weeks or months to get help. With an app that lives in your pocket, you can get the support youβ€’

πŸ”’ Privacy β€” It can be intimidating to open up to friends or family about the toughest parts of our lives. Additionally, it can be scary to put your deepest secrets out on the internet. Using two-way encryption, we are building a safe place for anyone to explore their mental wellness.

We are a small team and would greatly value your feedback.

Thank you for your support πŸ™

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