DRM-CI: A GitLab-CI pipeline for Linux kernel testing (Collabora Blog)

 4 months ago
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DRM-CI: A GitLab-CI pipeline for Linux kernel testing (Collabora Blog)

[Posted February 9, 2024 by jake]
Over on the Collabora blog, Helen Koike writes about the DRM-CI project for running automated continuous integration (CI) tests on multiple graphics devices in several different labs. It uses the IGT GPU tools for testing, though there are plans to expand:
The roadmap for DRM-CI includes enabling other devices, incorporating additional tests like kselftests, adding support for vgem driver, and implementing further automations. DRM-CI builds upon the groundwork laid by Mesa3D CI, including its GitLab YAML files and most of its setup, fostering collaboration and mutual strengthening.

[...] Adapting the DRM-CI pipeline to other subsystems is feasible with a few modifications. The primary consideration is setting up dedicated GitLab-CI runners since Freedesktop's infrastructure is meant only for graphics.

In light of this, our team is developing a versatile and user-friendly GitLab-CI pipeline. This new pipeline is envisioned to function as a flexible interface for kernel maintainers and developers that can be evolved to connect with different test environments that can also be hooked with CI systems such as KernelCI. This approach aims to simplify the integration process, making GitLab-CI more accessible and beneficial to a broader range of developers.

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