CBSE Class 10 Social Science Previous Year Question Paper 2015 With Solutions

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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Previous Year Question Paper 2015 With Solutions

The CBSE Class 10 Social Science Previous Year Question Paper for 2015 provides valuable practice material for students preparing for their board exams. This document includes a set of questions covering various topics in social science, allowing students to assess their knowledge and test-taking skills. The solutions provided offer guidance and explanations to help students understand the correct answers and improve their performance. This resource serves as a useful tool for self-assessment and exam preparation.

CBSE Class 10 Geography Previous Year Question Paper 2015 With Solutions

Time Allowed: 3 hours                                                              Maximum Marks: 90 Marks

1. Name the flag which was designed by Gandhiji in 1921. [1]

The flag designed by Gandhiji in 1921 is known as the “Swaraj Flag.”

2. In which state is the Bellary-Chitradurga-Chikmaglur-Tumkur iron ore belt located?[1]

Bellary-Chitradurga-Chikmaglur-Tumkur iron ore belt is located in the state of Karnataka.

3. Which challenge is faced by every democracy in one form or other? [1]

The challenge faced by every democracy in one form or another is the challenge of maintaining the balance between majority rule and protecting the rights and interests of minority groups.

4. Which organization led the protest against water privatization in Bolivia? [1]

The organization that led the protest against water privatization in Bolivia is “La Coordinadora.”

5. Name any two national political parties of India which have been recognised by Election Commission of India. [1]

Two national political parties of India recognized by the Election Commission of India are the Indian National Congress (INC) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

6. Give an example of collateral. [1]

An example of collateral is using a car as security when taking a loan from a bank.

7. Which type of judiciary was set up under COPRA for redressal of consumer disputes? [1]

COPRA established Consumer Dispute Redressal Forums for addressing consumer disputes.

8. Which organisation is playing a major role in globalisation process? [1]

The World Trade Organization (WTO) plays a major role in the globalization process.

9. Describe the Jallianwala Bagh incident in 1919. [1]

The Jallianwala Bagh incident in 1919 involved the British Army firing on a peaceful gathering of Indian civilians in Amritsar, resulting in hundreds of deaths.

10. Describe the role of Jinnah in bringing cordiality between the Congress and the Muslims in 1927. (3)

In 1927, Jinnah played a crucial role in fostering cordiality between the Congress and Muslims during the Lucknow Session of the Congress. He advocated for the protection of Muslim rights and representation within a united India. Jinnah’s efforts resulted in the Nehru Report, which proposed constitutional safeguards for minorities. While the final agreement was not reached, Jinnah’s role highlighted the importance of addressing Muslim concerns within the broader Indian nationalist movement.

11. Explain the ideas suggested by Johann Gottfried in promoting true spirit of a nation. (3)

Johann Gottfried von Herder emphasized the promotion of a nation’s true spirit through cultural and educational means. He believed that a nation’s unique character could be preserved and enhanced through its language, literature, and arts. Herder’s ideas encouraged the celebration of a nation’s distinct cultural heritage and identity, emphasizing the importance of cultural expression in shaping the essence of a nation. This notion played a significant role in fostering national pride and unity in various countries during the 18th and 19th centuries.

12. “The rail transport is known to be the most convenient means of transport.” Support the statement.(3)

Rail transport is considered the most convenient means of transportation for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a high level of reliability and punctuality, with fixed schedules and routes. Secondly, it can carry large quantities of goods and passengers efficiently, reducing congestion on roads. Thirdly, it’s relatively safe and has a lower environmental impact compared to other modes of transport. Lastly, it connects distant places, facilitating long-distance travel and trade. These factors make rail transport a preferred choice for both freight and passenger transportation, contributing to its reputation as the most convenient mode of transport.

13. Why has cement industry expanded after independence in India? Explain. (3)

The cement industry in India expanded significantly after independence due to several factors. Firstly, the government emphasized infrastructure development, leading to increased demand for cement in construction projects. Secondly, the availability of raw materials like limestone and coal played a crucial role. Thirdly, policy reforms and incentives attracted investments in the sector. Lastly, the growth of the real estate and housing sectors further boosted cement consumption. These factors collectively contributed to the expansion of the cement industry in post-independence India.

14. State any three features of lignite coal. [3]

Lignite coal, often referred to as brown coal, has several distinct features:

  1. Low Carbon Content: Lignite has a high moisture and low carbon content compared to other coal types, making it less energy-dense.
  2. Soft and Friable: It is soft, friable, and crumbly, which makes it easier to break apart and handle.
  3. Sub-Bituminous: Lignite is classified as a sub-bituminous coal due to its lower carbon content and energy output compared to higher-ranked coals like bituminous or anthracite coal.

These features contribute to its use primarily in electricity generation and as a fuel source for power plants, where its lower energy content is acceptable.

15. Examine the political outcome of democracy. [3]

The political outcome of democracy is multifaceted. Democracy aims to provide political power to the people through elected representatives, ensuring citizens have a voice in governance. It promotes political stability, peaceful transitions of power, and accountability. However, challenges like populism, polarization, and inequities can arise. Democracy fosters pluralism, allowing diverse viewpoints and fostering debate. Yet, it requires strong institutions to function effectively. Overall, the political outcome of democracy is the empowerment of citizens, but its success depends on the quality of governance and the resilience of democratic institutions.

16. What are movement groups? Mention two types of movement groups. [3]

Movement groups are organizations or associations that are formed to advocate for specific social, political, or economic causes. They engage in collective action to bring about change in society. Two types of movement groups are:

  1. Civil Rights Movements: These groups focus on achieving equal rights and opportunities for all members of society, often in areas such as race, gender, or sexual orientation.
  2. Environmental Movements: These groups work to protect the environment and promote sustainable practices, addressing issues like climate change, conservation, and pollution control.

17. Explain the term ‘Interest Groups’ with two examples. [3]

Interest groups are organizations or associations formed by individuals or entities to promote and protect their common interests and influence public policies. They engage in activities such as lobbying, advocacy, and raising awareness to advance their specific agendas. Here are two examples:

  1. National Rifle Association (NRA): The NRA is an interest group in the United States that advocates for gun rights and opposes gun control measures.
  2. Sierra Club: The Sierra Club is an environmental interest group that focuses on issues related to conservation and environmental protection, including campaigns to preserve natural habitats and combat climate change.

18. What are the essential values generated through SHGs for the promotion of the dignity of rural poor women? [3]

Self-Help Groups (SHGs) play a crucial role in promoting the dignity of rural poor women by instilling essential values such as empowerment, financial independence, and self-reliance. These groups provide women with a platform to pool their resources, access credit, and engage in income-generating activities. Through collective decision-making and skill development, women gain confidence and assertiveness. SHGs also foster social cohesion, enhancing women’s status in their communities. Overall, SHGs empower women economically and socially, contributing to their dignity and self-esteem.

19. Explain the significance of ISI, Agmark and Hallmark logos with examples. [3]

The ISI, Agmark, and Hallmark logos represent important quality certification standards in India.

  1. ISI (Indian Standards Institution) mark signifies that a product adheres to specific quality and safety standards. For example, electrical appliances with ISI certification ensure safety.
  2. Agmark is a certification for agricultural products, assuring their quality. For instance, Agmark on food products ensures they meet prescribed quality standards.
  3. Hallmark certifies the purity of gold and silver jewelry. It ensures customers get genuine precious metals.

These logos instill trust in consumers by verifying that products meet recognized quality benchmarks, promoting fairness in trade.

20. What is WTO? Has it been successful in its objective? Explain. [3]

The WTO (World Trade Organization) is an international organization that regulates global trade. Its primary objective is to facilitate trade by reducing trade barriers and ensuring fair trade practices among member countries. It has succeeded in promoting trade liberalization, but opinions on its success vary. Critics argue that it benefits developed countries more than developing ones and can lead to inequalities. However, proponents believe it has contributed to global economic growth and dispute resolution. The WTO continues to be a subject of debate, with ongoing efforts to address its shortcomings and enhance its effectiveness.

21. Why were some leaders within the congress reluctant to start Non-cooperation Movement? Explain. [3]

Some leaders within the Congress were initially reluctant to start the Non-cooperation Movement because they were concerned about its radical nature and the potential for violence. They believed that nonviolent protests might not be effective and were worried about the consequences of mass mobilization. However, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, the movement gained momentum and ultimately garnered widespread support, leading to its adoption despite initial reservations.

22. “The Habsburg Empire that rules over Austria-Hungary was a patchwork of many different regions and peoples”. Support the statement with suitable examples. [5]

The Habsburg Empire, ruling Austria-Hungary, was a complex entity comprising various ethnic groups, including Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, and more. This diversity led to ethnic tensions and nationalist movements. For example, Czechs and Slovaks sought greater autonomy and later formed Czechoslovakia. Similarly, Hungarians desired more independence. These nationalistic aspirations ultimately contributed to the empire’s dissolution after World War I, leading to the emergence of independent nation-states based on ethnic identity. The patchwork nature of the empire made it challenging to govern cohesively and played a significant role in its eventual disintegration.


How did the Vietnamese use their limited resources to great advantage during the Vietnamese war in 1960s? Explain with examples.

During the Vietnam War in the 1960s, the North Vietnamese forces faced limited resources compared to the well-equipped American military. To compensate, they employed guerrilla warfare tactics, utilizing the dense jungles and tunnels of the Ho Chi Minh Trail to hide and launch surprise attacks. They also used minimal but effective weaponry like the AK-47 and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The commitment of the Vietnamese people to their cause and their ability to adapt to adverse conditions played a crucial role. This resourcefulness and determination ultimately contributed to their successful resistance against a superior force, leading to the eventual reunification of Vietnam.

23. Iron and steel industry is called “basic and heavy industry”. Support the statement with arguments. [5]

The iron and steel industry is classified as a “basic and heavy industry” due to its fundamental role in industrialization. It is considered basic because it produces raw materials (iron and steel) for various other industries. It’s heavy because of the massive infrastructure required, including furnaces, mills, and transportation. Additionally, the industry demands substantial capital investment. Steel, a versatile material, is vital for construction, machinery, and infrastructure development. Its production is a key indicator of a country’s industrial progress. Given its critical role, governments often prioritize and support the development of the iron and steel sector in their industrialization efforts.

24. “India is fortunate to have fairly rich and varied mineral resources”. Elaborate the statement.

India is indeed fortunate to possess abundant and diverse mineral resources. The country is rich in minerals like coal, iron ore, bauxite, limestone, and more. This wealth of minerals has significant economic implications. For instance, coal and iron ore are crucial for the steel and power industries, while bauxite is vital for aluminum production. These resources not only contribute to industrial growth but also generate revenue through exports. Additionally, minerals play a key role in infrastructure development. India’s varied mineral wealth supports sectors like mining, manufacturing, and construction, fostering economic development and providing employment opportunities.

25. How do political parties shape public opinion? Explain. [5]

Political parties play a vital role in shaping public opinion through several means:

  1. Campaigns and Propaganda: Parties run election campaigns and use propaganda to convey their ideologies, policies, and vision to the public. These campaigns influence public perception.
  2. Media Engagement: Parties utilize the media to reach a wider audience, using news coverage, interviews, and advertisements to sway public opinion in their favor.
  3. Public Discourse: Parties engage in debates, discussions, and rallies that frame issues and policies, impacting how people perceive political matters.
  4. Policy Formulation: Parties develop policies that align with the preferences of their supporters, helping to mold public opinion on important issues.
  5. Representation: Parties represent different sections of society, giving a voice to various interests and viewpoints, which can shape public opinion accordingly.

26. Explain any five major challenges to democracy in India.(5)

Certainly, here are five major challenges to democracy in India:

  1. Economic Inequality: India’s high economic disparity can lead to unequal political influence, undermining the democratic principle of equal participation.
  2. Communalism: Religious and caste-based tensions can polarize the electorate, posing a threat to social harmony and democratic values.
  3. Corruption: Widespread corruption erodes trust in government institutions and hinders effective governance.
  4. Criminalization of Politics: The presence of criminals in politics can lead to compromised governance and undermine the democratic process.
  5. Lack of Education: Limited access to education can hinder informed political participation, perpetuating a cycle of unequal representation.

27. Analyse the situations which lead to consumer exploitation.(5)

Consumer exploitation arises from various situations:

  1. Information Asymmetry: When sellers possess more information than buyers, consumers may make uninformed decisions.
  2. Monopoly Power: When a single seller controls a market, they can set prices and quality arbitrarily, leading to exploitation.
  3. Deceptive Advertising: Misleading advertisements can manipulate consumers into buying products or services they don’t need.
  4. Lack of Regulations: Weak consumer protection laws and enforcement can allow businesses to engage in unfair practices.
  5. Price Gouging: During crises or shortages, sellers may charge exorbitant prices for essential goods.

28. What are transactions made in money? What were the shortcomings of the barter system [5]

Transactions made in money involve the exchange of goods and services using a universally accepted medium of exchange, like currency. Money facilitates economic activities by eliminating the limitations of barter systems. Shortcomings of barter systems include the double coincidence of wants (both parties must want what the other offers), impracticality for complex transactions, lack of a standard measure of value, and difficulties in storing wealth. Money overcomes these limitations, making trade and economic growth more efficient and accessible.

29. (a) Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify these items with the help of following information and write their correct names on the line marked on the map.

(A) The place where the Indian National Congress Session was held in September 1920.

(B) The place related to the calling off Non-Cooperation Movement. (b) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols.

(C) The Place from where Gandhiji started Civil Disobedience Movement. Note: The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of

Q. No.29 (29.1) Where was the Indian National Congress Session held in September 1920? (29.2) Name the place which is related to the calling off Non-Cooperation Movement. (29.3) From Where gandhiji started civil disobedience movement?

(a) A – Nagpur (Indian National Congress Session, September 1920), B – Chauri Chaura (Related to the calling off Non-Cooperation Movement).

(b) C – Dandi (Place from where Gandhiji started Civil Disobedience Movement).

29.1) The Indian National Congress Session in September 1920 was held in Nagpur.

29.2) The place related to the calling off Non-Cooperation Movement is Chauri Chaura.

29.3) Gandhiji started the Civil Disobedience Movement from Dandi.

30 (a) Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline political map of India. Identify these items with the help of following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map.

(A) Iron Ore Mines

(B) Terminal Station of East-West Corridor (b) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols. [3]

(C) Software Technology Park in Kerala. Note: The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only, in lieu of

Q. No. 30 (30.1) Name any one major iron ore mines located in Chhattisgarh. (30.2) Name any one terminal station of East-West Corridor (30.3) Name the software technological park located in Kerala. answer these questions

In the given political map of India: (A) Iron Ore Mines – These mines are typically located in regions rich in iron ore deposits, such as Odisha and Jharkhand. (B) Terminal Station of East-West Corridor – The terminal station of the East-West Corridor, a major railway route, is usually Kolkata. (C) Software Technology Park in Kerala – A prominent Software Technology Park in Kerala is located in Thiruvananthapuram.

For visually impaired candidates: (30.1) A major iron ore mine in Chhattisgarh is the Bailadila Iron Ore Mines. (30.2) A terminal station of the East-West Corridor is Kolkata. (30.3) The software technology park in Kerala is the Technopark in Thiruvananthapuram.

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