TikTok Publishes Valentine’s Day Marketing Guide

 5 months ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/tiktok-publishes-valentines-day-marketing-guide/704539/
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TikTok Publishes Valentine’s Day Marketing Guide

Published Jan. 14, 2024
Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, TikTok has shared a new guide to help marketers tap into the event, and create more resonant campaigns in response to key trends among TikTok users.

You can download TikTok’s 9-page ‘Valentine’s Day For You’ guide for yourself here (with email sign-up), but in this post, we’ll take a look at some of the key notes.

First off, TikTok shares insights into the popularity of the event in the app, highlighting the interest in Valentine’s Day among its users.

TikTok Valentine's Day

That’s a lot of related activity, and it makes sense for brands to tap into this where possible to maximize their marketing efforts.

TikTok also shares the most used hashtags around the event:

TikTok Valentine's Day

As well as an overview of the products that TikTok users are most interested in in relation to Valentine’s Day celebrations:

TikTok Valentine's Day

There’s also a listing of related events and opportunities, providing some valuable pointers for brands.

The final element of the guide looks at key planning pointers, including the best ad types, key angles for your promotions, and essential planning notes.

TikTok Valentine's Day

It’s a good guide, with a range of practical pointers that can help you boost your Valentine’s Day activations in the app.

If you’re planning out your Valentine’s Day activity, it’s worth downloading the full guide to take a look.

You can download TikTok’s ‘Valentine’s Day For You’ guide here.

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