Lago – open-source Stripe alternative is hiring a Founding Marketer

 5 months ago
source link: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/lago/jobs/twKO87q-founding-marketer
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About the role

About Lago

Lago is an open source alternative to Stripe Billing and Chargebee. Our recent launch on Hacker News made the top 5 of the past 12 months, we’ve been [Product of the day, and Product of the week of Product Hunt]. (https://www.producthunt.com/products/lago#lago). In less than two years, we became the most popular open-source billing solution wordlwide.

Check our Shoutout wall here.

We’re backed by top investors and founders from both sides of the Atlantic: San Francisco and NYC, and Europe and have 10+ year of runway.

The team and your role

Anh-Tho is hiring for a Marketing Manager to support her as she leads Go To Market.

Your projects will range from content production and distribution, community growth strategy. You'll be able to leverage our existing community (Lago's the most popular open-source repository on Github in our space) and network (Y Combinator, Fintechs, Business Operations and Finance professionals etc.) to amplify our presence in the ecosystem.

If you’re looking for a front row seat to what building a VC-backed fintech is, are always looking to push yourself out of your comfort zone, love structuring the unstructured, figuring things out and then scale them to switch to the next burning challenge, this is a great fit.

Here are examples of successful content we created and distributed in the past months:

Our product has two sides:

  • An API for engineers
  • An intuitive no-code user interface for business users: Finance, Revenue, Customer Success teams

You don’t need to be an expert in any of these areas, but you need to be comfortable building relationships to bring value to each of these teams.

The person we are looking for

  • You love connecting with people and bringing them value-added insights You love writing, and bringing a community together, but you also know that content only has impact if it reaches an audience. Therefore you spend most of your time iterating on content distribution and how to improve the reach of your messages.
  • You’ve shown persistence in the past: it doesn’t matter if it was for a student club, a sports team, a bake sale, or a billion dollar company. You love the thrill of chasing, iterating to learn from your mistakes, to keep winning seemingly impossible challenges. This is what a founder does 99.99% of the time and this is a quality we’re looking for.
  • Open Shakras: this is not a ‘Strategy’ position. Anh-Tho left her comfortable position as a strategy consultant at McKinsey as she was aspiring for more direct impact than Excel crunching and Powerpoints. You’ll join the trenches with her: including the glamourous sides of entrepreneurship and the real, down to earth ones.
  • Fluent in English, bonus points if you speak French and Spanish
  • A demonstrated intellectual curiosity, drive and impact in any other field than business: a first entrepreneurial project, leading a student club, for instance
  • You don't need to be a developer, but having attended coding bootcamp or an online technical course is a big plus
  • A real appetite for the early stages of co-creating a product and shaping Lago's future

What we commit to

  • Your time is precious, and we'll do our very best to be time-conscious with yours.
  • If you're open to it, we commit to give you the most constructive feedback as possible on your case, as we are aware it's quite an investment of time on your side.
  • We approach recruiting as a 2-way street, we make offers when we have a strong conviction on the mutual fit: in terms of skills, mindset, culture.

Competitive package including equity ; Offices in the heart of Paris ; Remote-friendly (+/-2h from Paris time zone)

If you'd like to apply, please share a "light portfolio": examples of content / projects you previously worked on and the impact it had.

No need to speak French, but your English should be flawless.

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