SE Radio 598: Jonathan Crossland on the AMMERSE Framework

 5 months ago
source link: https://www.se-radio.net/2024/01/se-radio-598-jonathan-crossland-on-the-ammerse-framework/
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SE Radio 598: Jonathan Crossland on the AMMERSE Framework

Filed in Episodes

by SE Radio

on January 11, 2024


Jonathan CrosslandJonathan Crossland, software architect, author, and business owner, joins host Jeff Doolittle for a conversation about the AMMERSE framework of design principles. They start by discussing the agile manifesto as a statement of values, and Jonathan shares his perspective based on his experience as a software developer and business owner. They then explore the three layers of the AMMERSE framework and how they help business and engineering leaders to align their values, thereby improving their ability to collaborate and reach common goals.

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