Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1946 DLC – Yay or Nay (PC)

 5 months ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/panzer-corps-2-axis-operations-1946-dlc-yay-or-nay-pc-537449.shtml
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Take down Amerika using Landkruisers and more wunderwaffen

16 photos
   Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1946 key art

These Americans are tough cookies, but I think I have enough armor to deal with them. The E series might not be as massive as a Maus, but I can field more of them, and quantity has a quality of its own. The big problem is the American’s air superiority, which is understandable given we have to operate from carriers while they have plenty of airfields.

I leave my infantry to eliminate pockets of resistance on the coast and push an armored group forward. I also try to concentrate my Ghepards and other anti-air assets. The plan is to get to the enemy airfields and capture them quickly, even if that means taking losses from infantry backed by artillery. And then worry about port capture and other objectives.

Axis Operations - 1946 is developed by Flashback Games and published by Slitherine Ltd., like the base Panzer Corps 2. The downloadable content pack explores an alternate history scenario in which the Axis is much more successful than in the real world.

In our timeline, World War II ends in 1945, with the surrender of both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. But in previous Axis Operations packs, gamers have dealt with all Axis opponents other than the United States of America. Now a joint German-Japanese force is invading democracy’s last bastion and there are more than 20 combat scenarios to engage with as the Axis heads toward victory.

Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1946

The title does a good job of fleshing out this alternate timeline via briefings, unit descriptions, and objectives. But the focus of Panzer Corps 2 has always been on gameplay, and this 1946 pack isn’t any different. Players get impressively designed battlefields and plenty of new toys to use.

The stars of the 1946 show are the Landkreuzers, massive tanks that can both take and dish out punishment. They have 280mm battleship main guns and can easily deal with individual opponents at range or close up. But they take up a lot of slots and players have to deploy E series armor, infantry, anti-air, and artillery to support them.

The Luftwaffe also gets fighters that take up fewer slots, very important given that the United States will deploy plenty of aircraft ready to bomb Wehrmacht units into oblivion if they are not protected. It’s a good idea to get 50% more fighters than you think you need, when possible.

Objectives have been reshaped, with a distinction between primaries, required for progression, bonus ones, which bring in prestige, and elite, designed to challenge veterans and bring in surprising rewards. US forces are numerous and capable, with plenty of new units of their own, and put-up strong resistance.

Panzer Corps 2’s core remains turn and hex based. Gamers will purchase new units, assign heroes, and find ways to best use combined arms to limit losses. The level of spectacle is impressive. There are nukes featured in the first combat scenario, deployed on American soil.

1946 introduces some very nice models to Panzer Corps 2, depicting with style units that never existed in the real world. They look good in action and the game has an interface that makes it easy for players to prepare and execute plans. The soundtrack and effects are well-suited to the World War II theme.


Axis Operations - 1946 is the final piece in this downloadable content series and it’s a fittingly grandiose package. Gamers get plenty of cool new combat units to build strategies around and the core gameplay of Panzer Corps 2 is as solid as ever.

The DLC is a clear Yay for any fan who has built a core force and taken it all the way from Spain to America. Turn-based strategy fans who like the World War II setting should start with the core game or jump into the Spanish Civil War. I look forward to seeing what nation the developers of Panzer Corps 2 focus on next.

Review key provided by the publisher.

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