Ryan Seacrest's keyboard case turns your iPhone into a BlackBerry (video)

 5 months ago
source link: https://www.engadget.com/2013-12-06-typo-keyboard.html?guccounter=1
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Ryan Seacrest's keyboard case turns your iPhone into a BlackBerry (video)

Ryan Seacrest's keyboard case turns your iPhone into a BlackBerry (video)

Updated Sat, Dec 7, 2013·1 min read
Typo Keyboard Case

The market for keyboard-equipped phones may be on the wane, but don't tell that to Ryan Seacrest -- the American Idol host is convinced that messaging mavens need real buttons. To that end, he's jumping into hardware and launching the Typo Keyboard for the iPhone 5 and 5s. The Bluetooth case turns an Apple handset into a makeshift BlackBerry Q10, complete with backlit, sculpted keys that cover up the iPhone's home button (there's a small substitute key); we hope you don't need multitasking, folks. The Typo Keyboard will make its formal debut at CES in early January, and it should ship that month for $99. Thankfully, that means we'll escape a sales pitch during New Year's Rockin' Eve.

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